About the Authors
- Lindsay S. Elliott
* E-mail: lselliott@harding.edu (LSE); ranjit@genelex.com (RKT)
Affiliation Department of Pharmacy Practice, Harding University College of Pharmacy / Unity Health – White County Medical Center, Searcy, Arkansas, United States of America
- John C. Henderson
Affiliation Unity Health - White County Medical Center, Searcy, Arkansas, United States of America
- Moni B. Neradilek
Affiliation The Mountain-Whisper-Light Statistics, Seattle, Washington, United States of America
- Nicolas A. Moyer
Affiliation Clinical Pharmacogenomics Division, Genelex Corporation, Seattle, Washington, United States of America
- Kristine C. Ashcraft
Affiliation Clinical Pharmacogenomics Division, Genelex Corporation, Seattle, Washington, United States of America
- Ranjit K. Thirumaran
* E-mail: lselliott@harding.edu (LSE); ranjit@genelex.com (RKT)
Affiliation Clinical Pharmacogenomics Division, Genelex Corporation, Seattle, Washington, United States of America
Competing Interests
We have the following interests: NAM, KCA and RKT are employees and potential equity holders of Genelex corporation. MBN is an employee of The Mountain-Whisper-Light Statistics. Genelex provided the support in the form of compensation for time for authors LSE and MBN. YouScript® is a clinical decision support tool with issued and pending patents. NAM is listed as an inventor on provisional patent application US 20160004838/WO 2016003514 A1, which relates to the drug interaction algorithm used by YouScript®. There are no further patents, products in development or marketed products to declare. This does not alter our adherence to all the PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials, as detailed online in the guide for authors.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: LSE JCH KCA. Data curation: LSE NAM. Formal analysis: MBN NAM. Funding acquisition: LSE MBN. Investigation: LSE. Methodology: LSE JCH KCA MBN. Project administration: LSE KCA. Supervision: LSE RKT. Validation: LSE MBN NAM. Visualization: LSE MBN NAM RKT. Writing – original draft: LSE JCH MBN NAM KCA RKT. Writing – review & editing: LSE JCH MBN NAM KCA RKT.