About the Authors

Patricia Gomez-Gutierrez

Affiliations Allinky Biopharma. Madrid Scientific Park. Faraday, 7. Campus de Cantoblanco, Spain, Dept. of Chemical Engineering. Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya. ETSEIB. Av. Diagonal, Spain

Pedro M. Campos

Affiliation Allinky Biopharma. Madrid Scientific Park. Faraday, 7. Campus de Cantoblanco, Spain

Miguel Vega

Affiliation Allinky Biopharma. Madrid Scientific Park. Faraday, 7. Campus de Cantoblanco, Spain

Juan J. Perez


Affiliation Dept. of Chemical Engineering. Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya. ETSEIB. Av. Diagonal, Spain

Competing Interests

Patricia Gomez-Gutierrez, Pedro M. Campos and Miguel Vega are employed by Allinky Biopharma. There are no patents, products in development or marketed products to declare. This does not alter our adherence to all the PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials, as detailed online in the guide for authors.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization: PGG JJP. Data curation: PGG PMC. Formal analysis: PGG PMC MV JJP. Funding acquisition: MV. Investigation: PGG. Methodology: PGG PMC. Project administration: MV. Resources: PGG PMC. Software: PGG. Supervision: JJP. Visualization: PGG. Writing – original draft: JJP. Writing – review & editing: PGG PMC MV JJP.