About the Authors
- Berend Terluin
* E-mail: b.terluin@vumc.nl
Affiliation Department of General Practice and Elderly Care Medicine, EMGO Institute for Health and Care Research, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Michiel R. de Boer
Affiliation Department of Health Sciences and the EMGO Institute for Health and Care Research, Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Henrica C. W. de Vet
Affiliation Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, EMGO Institute for Health and Care Research, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Competing Interests
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: BT HdV. Performed the experiments: BT MdB. Analyzed the data: BT. Wrote the paper: BT MdB HdV.