About the Authors
- Aesun Shin
Affiliation Department of Preventive Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, 110–799, Republic of Korea
- Jeonghee Lee
Affiliation Molecular Epidemiology Branch, National Cancer Center, Goyang-si, 410–769, Republic of Korea
- Jeeyoo Lee
Affiliations Department of Preventive Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, 110–799, Republic of Korea, Department of Nutritional Science and Food Management, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, 120–750, Republic of Korea
- Moon Sung Park
Affiliation Gachon University College of Nursing, Incheon, 406–799, Republic of Korea
- Ji Won Park
Affiliation Department of Surgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine and Hospital, Seoul, 110–799, Republic of Korea
- Sung Chan Park
Affiliation Center for Colorectal Cancer, National Cancer Center, Goyang-si, 410–769, Republic of Korea
- Jae Hwan Oh
Affiliation Center for Colorectal Cancer, National Cancer Center, Goyang-si, 410–769, Republic of Korea
- Jeongseon Kim
* E-mail: jskim@ncc.re.kr
Affiliation Molecular Epidemiology Branch, National Cancer Center, Goyang-si, 410–769, Republic of Korea
Competing Interests
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: AS JHO JK. Performed the experiments: JL JWP SCP JHO. Analyzed the data: JHL JL. Wrote the paper: AS MSP.