About the Authors

Mariapaola Marino

Affiliation Institute of General Pathology, School of Medicine, Università Cattolica S. Cuore, Rome, Italy

Flavia Scuderi

Affiliation Department of Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine, Università Cattolica S. Cuore, Rome, Italy

Daniela Samengo

Affiliation Institute of General Pathology, School of Medicine, Università Cattolica S. Cuore, Rome, Italy

Giorgia Saltelli

Affiliation Department of Neurology, Mental Health and Sensory Organs (NESMOS), Faculty of Medicine and Psychology, University of Rome “Sapienza”, Rome, Italy

Maria Teresa Maiuri

Affiliation Institute of General Pathology, School of Medicine, Università Cattolica S. Cuore, Rome, Italy

Chengyong Shen

Affiliation Department of Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine and Department of Neurology, Medical College of Georgia, Georgia Regents University, Augusta, Georgia, United States of America

Lin Mei

Affiliation Department of Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine and Department of Neurology, Medical College of Georgia, Georgia Regents University, Augusta, Georgia, United States of America

Mario Sabatelli

Affiliation Centro Clinico NEMO-Roma, Policlinico A. Gemelli, Rome, Italy

Giovambattista Pani

Affiliation Institute of General Pathology, School of Medicine, Università Cattolica S. Cuore, Rome, Italy

Giovanni Antonini

Affiliation Department of Neurology, Mental Health and Sensory Organs (NESMOS), Faculty of Medicine and Psychology, University of Rome “Sapienza”, Rome, Italy

Amelia Evoli

Affiliation Department of Neuroscience, School of Medicine, Università Cattolica S. Cuore, Rome, Italy

Emanuela Bartoccioni


Affiliation Institute of General Pathology, School of Medicine, Università Cattolica S. Cuore, Rome, Italy

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: MM GP EB. Performed the experiments: MM FS DS MTM. Analyzed the data: MM FS GS LM GP GA AE EB. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: GS CS LM GA AE MS. Wrote the paper: MM GP EB.