About the Authors
- Blanka Stibůrková
* E-mail: blanka.stiburkova@lf1.cuni.cz
Affiliation Institute of Inherited Metabolic Disorders, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague and General University Hospital in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
- Markéta Pavlíková
Affiliation Institute of Inherited Metabolic Disorders, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague and General University Hospital in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
- Jitka Sokolová
Affiliation Institute of Inherited Metabolic Disorders, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague and General University Hospital in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
- Viktor Kožich
Affiliation Institute of Inherited Metabolic Disorders, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague and General University Hospital in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
Competing Interests
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: BS MP VK. Performed the experiments: BS JS. Analyzed the data: VK BS MP JS. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: BS VK JS. Wrote the paper: BS VK MP.