About the Authors

Owen R. O’Shea


Affiliations Australian Institute of Marine Science, Crawley, Western Australia, Commonwealth of Australia, School of Veterinary and Life sciences, Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia, Commonwealth of Australia

Matias Braccini

Affiliation Shark and Ray Sustainability Group, WA Fisheries and Marine Research Laboratories, Hillary’s Boat Harbour, Western Australia, Commonwealth of Australia

Rory McAuley

Affiliation Shark and Ray Sustainability Group, WA Fisheries and Marine Research Laboratories, Hillary’s Boat Harbour, Western Australia, Commonwealth of Australia

Conrad W. Speed

Affiliation Australian Institute of Marine Science, Crawley, Western Australia, Commonwealth of Australia

Mark G. Meekan

Affiliation Australian Institute of Marine Science, Crawley, Western Australia, Commonwealth of Australia

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: ORO MGM. Performed the experiments: ORO RM. Analyzed the data: ORO MB. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: ORO MB. Wrote the manuscript: ORO MB. Sample preparation and analysis: CWS. Assisted in field work (Collection of samples): CWS.