About the Authors
- Sara Evans-Lacko
* E-mail: Sara.Evans-Lacko@kcl.ac.uk
Affiliation Health Service and Population Research Department, King's College London, Institute of Psychiatry, London, United Kingdom
- Martin Knapp
Affiliations Health Service and Population Research Department, King's College London, Institute of Psychiatry, London, United Kingdom, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, United Kingdom
- Paul McCrone
Affiliation Health Service and Population Research Department, King's College London, Institute of Psychiatry, London, United Kingdom
- Graham Thornicroft
Contributed equally to this work with: Graham Thornicroft, Ramin Mojtabai
Affiliation Health Service and Population Research Department, King's College London, Institute of Psychiatry, London, United Kingdom
- Ramin Mojtabai
Contributed equally to this work with: Graham Thornicroft, Ramin Mojtabai
Affiliation Department of Mental Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
Competing Interests
RM received consulting fees from Lundbeck Pharmaceuticals and research funding from Bristol-Myers Squibb. The other authors declare that they have no competing interests. This does not alter the authors' adherence to all the PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: SEL MK PM GT RM. Analyzed the data: SEL. Wrote the paper: SEL MK PM GT RM. Wrote the original study design and protocol: SEL RM. Contributed to the original study design and protocol: GT PM. Initial drafting of the manuscript: SEL. Participated in interpretation of the analysis, editing and rewriting of the manuscript: PM MK GT RM. Approved the final version: SEL MK PM GT RM.