About the Authors

Sander M. Hagen

Affiliation Department of Surgery, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Jeffrey A. Lafranca

Affiliation Department of Surgery, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Ewout W. Steyerberg

Affiliation Department of Public Health, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Jan N. M. IJzermans

Affiliation Department of Surgery, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Frank J. M. F. Dor


Affiliation Department of Surgery, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Competing Interests

The authors declare no competing interests.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: SMH JNMIJ FJMFD. Performed the experiments: SMH JAL. Analyzed the data: SMH JAL EWS FJMFD. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: EWS. Wrote the paper: SMH JAL JNMIJ FJMFD.