About the Authors

Pablo Pareja-Tobes

Affiliation Oh no sequences! Research group, Era7 Bioinformatics, Granada, Spain

Marina Manrique

Affiliation Oh no sequences! Research group, Era7 Bioinformatics, Granada, Spain

Eduardo Pareja-Tobes

Affiliation Oh no sequences! Research group, Era7 Bioinformatics, Granada, Spain

Eduardo Pareja

Affiliation Oh no sequences! Research group, Era7 Bioinformatics, Granada, Spain

Raquel Tobes


Affiliation Oh no sequences! Research group, Era7 Bioinformatics, Granada, Spain

Competing Interests

Era7 offers Service of Bacterial annotation based on BG7, but BG7 code is available at GitHub: https://github.com/bg7/ under the license AGPLv3. All authors work at the research group named Oh no sequences! within Era7 Bioinformatics company. This does not alter the authors' adherence to all the PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials.

Author Contributions

Wrote the paper: RT PP-T MM EP-T EP. Designed the method and the algorithm of BG7 system: RT. Designed and developed the software: P-PT. MM Helped in the design and improvement of BG7 system doing exhaustive checking of the system with real data: MM. Designed and set-up cloud infrastructure and helped to refine BG7 system and EP provided informatics advice and helped in biological application issues: EP-T. RT Wrote the first draft of the manuscript: RT. Reviewed and improved the manuscript: PP-T MM EP-T EP.