About the Authors
- Loes J. Bolle
* E-mail: loes.bolle@wur.nl
Affiliation IMARES, IJmuiden, The Netherlands
- Christ A. F. de Jong
Affiliation TNO, Den Haag, The Netherlands
- Stijn M. Bierman
Affiliation IMARES, IJmuiden, The Netherlands
- Pieter J. G. van Beek
Affiliation TNO, Den Haag, The Netherlands
- Olvin A. van Keeken
Affiliation IMARES, IJmuiden, The Netherlands
- Peter W. Wessels
Affiliation TNO, Den Haag, The Netherlands
- Cindy J. G. van Damme
Affiliation IMARES, IJmuiden, The Netherlands
- Hendrik V. Winter
Affiliation IMARES, IJmuiden, The Netherlands
- Dick de Haan
Affiliation IMARES, IJmuiden, The Netherlands
- René P. A. Dekeling
Affiliations Defence Materiel Organisation, Den Haag, The Netherlands, Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment - DG Water, Den Haag, The Netherlands
Competing Interests
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: LJB CAFdJ SMB OAvK CJGvD HVW DdH RPAD. Performed the experiments: LJB PJGvB OAvK PWW. Analyzed the data: LJB CAFdJ SMB PJGvB PWW. Wrote the paper: LJB CAFdJ. Conceived the device: CAFdJ RPAD. Designed and constructed the device: CAFdJ PJGvB. Edits and intellectual support: SMB PJGvB CJGvD HVW DdH RPAD.