About the Authors

Venkatesan Radhika

Affiliation Department of Bioorganic Chemistry, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Jena, Germany

Christian Kost

Affiliation Department of Bioorganic Chemistry, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Jena, Germany

Wilhelm Boland

Affiliation Department of Bioorganic Chemistry, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Jena, Germany

Martin Heil


Affiliation Departamento de Ingeniería Genética, Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados (CINVESTAV) Irapuato, Guanajuato, México

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: VR CK WB MH. Performed the experiments: VR CK. Analyzed the data: VR CK. Wrote the paper: VR CK WB MH.