About the Authors

Michael Siegal


Affiliations Department of Psychology, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom, Department of Psychology, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy

Luca Surian

Affiliation Department of Cognitive Sciences and Center for Mind/Brain Studies (CIMeC), University of Trento, Rovereto, Italy

Ayumi Matsuo

Affiliation School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom

Alessandra Geraci

Affiliation Department of Cognitive Sciences and Center for Mind/Brain Studies (CIMeC), University of Trento, Rovereto, Italy

Laura Iozzi

Affiliation Department of Psychology, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy

Yuko Okumura

Affiliation Department of Psychology, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

Shoji Itakura

Affiliation Department of Psychology, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: MS LS. Performed the experiments: MS LS AM AG LI YO SI. Analyzed the data: MS LS AG LI. Wrote the paper: MS LS AM.