About the Authors

Jihee Won

Affiliation School of Mechanical Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Jung-Won Ju

Affiliation Division of Malaria & Parasitic Diseases, National Institute of Health, Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Osong, Republic of Korea

Sun Min Kim

Affiliation Asan Institute for Life Sciences, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Yoojin Shin

Affiliation School of Mechanical Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Seok Chung

sidchung@gmail.com (SC); jhpak@amc.seoul.kr (JHP)

Affiliation School of Mechanical Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Jhang Ho Pak

sidchung@gmail.com (SC); jhpak@amc.seoul.kr (JHP)

Affiliation Asan Institute for Life Sciences, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: JW SMK SC JHP. Performed the experiments: JW SMK. Analyzed the data: JW SC JHP. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: J-WJ. Wrote the paper: JW YS SC JHP.