About the Authors

Yvonne E. Thomassen


Affiliation Institute for Translational Vaccinology (Intravacc), Bilthoven, The Netherlands

Aart G. van ’t Oever

Affiliation Institute for Translational Vaccinology (Intravacc), Bilthoven, The Netherlands

Monique G. C. T. van Oijen

Affiliation Institute for Translational Vaccinology (Intravacc), Bilthoven, The Netherlands

René H. Wijffels

Affiliation Bioprocess Engineering, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands

Leo A. van der Pol

Affiliation Institute for Translational Vaccinology (Intravacc), Bilthoven, The Netherlands

Wilfried A. M. Bakker

Affiliation Institute for Translational Vaccinology (Intravacc), Bilthoven, The Netherlands

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: YT AO MO WB. Performed the experiments: YT AO MO. Analyzed the data: YT. Wrote the manuscript: YT. Supervision of the work: WB. Conceptual advice and manuscript editing: LvdP RW WB.