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Medical subculture has no eye for other than physical approach

Posted by WielM on 01 Sep 2010 at 00:41 GMT

It might be the lack of social science topics in the training of medicine students or the influence of Big Pharma on the profession, but it's very clear that the current health community is very narrow minded in approaching health problems.

Therefore I think this article is a very good first step to thoroughly reconsider health policies as they are commonly implemented right now.

One example: the smoking ban in the UK has ruined a high percentage of pubs because politics disregards social and/or mental well-being.

This probably is an effect of the information monopoly on this topic of NGO's like ASH and the fact that many experts in this area have (often non-disclosed) tight links to Big Pharma.

Pubs are the social meeting place for especially the lower classes and the lonely people mentioned in this article. They have effectively been destroyed by the medical establishment.

Obviously they have done no good to public health.

No competing interests declared.