About the Authors
- Christopher J. L. Murray
* E-mail: cjlm@u.washington.edu
Affiliation Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, United States of America
- Alan D. Lopez
Affiliation School of Population Health, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Competing Interests
CJLM works in academia generating health indicator estimates; is the Director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation; is a Professor of Global Health at the University of Washington; and from 1998 to 2003 worked at the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. ADL works in academia generating health indicator estimates; is a member of the editorial board for PLoS Medicine; is Head of the School of Population Health and Professor of Global Health at the University of Queensland; is an Affiliate Professor of Global Health at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation; and from 1980 to 2002 worked at the World Health Organisation in Geneva, Switzerland in a series of technical and senior managerial posts.
Author Contributions
ICMJE criteria for authorship read and met: CJLM ADL. Agree with the manuscript's results and conclusions: CJLM ADL. Wrote the first draft of the paper: CJLM ADL. Contributed to the writing of the paper: CJLM ADL.