About the Authors
- Dariush Mozaffarian
* E-mail: dmozaffa@hsph.harvard.edu
Affiliations Division of Cardiovascular Medicine and Channing Laboratory, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America, Department of Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America, Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America
- Renata Micha
Affiliation Department of Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America
- Sarah Wallace
Affiliation Department of Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America
Competing Interests
DM: Research grants to study the effects of dietary factors on cardiovascular diseases from the US National Institutes of Health; the Searle Scholar Award from the Searle Funds at The Chicago Community Trust; the Genes and Environment Initiative at the Harvard School of Public Health; the Gates Foundation/World Health Organization Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study; and GlaxoSmithKline, Sigma Tau, and Pronova for an investigator-initiated trial of fish oil to prevent post-surgical arrhythmia. Honoraria and travel expenses for speaking at scientific conferences and reviewing on topics related to diet and cardiovascular disease, including from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, International Life Sciences Institute, Aramark, Unilever, SPRIM, Nutrition Impact, World Health Organization, UpToDate, and several universities and scientific organizations. No ownership, patents, stocks, advisory board membership, nor speaking board membership. RM, SW: No disclosures.
Author Contributions
ICMJE criteria for authorship read and met: DM RM SW. Agree with the manuscript's results and conclusions: DM RM SW. Designed the experiments/the study: DM RM SW. Analyzed the data: DM. Collected data/did experiments for the study: DM RM SW. Wrote the first draft of the paper: DM. Contributed to the writing of the paper: DM RM SW.