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The Five AhMTP1 Zinc Transporters Undergo Different Evolutionary Fates towards Adaptive Evolution to Zinc Tolerance in Arabidopsis halleri

Figure 5

Analysis of the presence of the MTP1-D paralogue in different A. halleri genotypes.

(A) PCR analysis of two plants of the A. halleri Auby accession (D and SAF2 plants) using AhMTP1-A, -B, -C, and -D gene specific primer pairs. DNA from BAC clones 1F18, 2B14, 7G24 and 12L21 are positive controls for demonstrating the specific amplification of AhMTP1-D, -C, -A, and -B, respectively. Corresponding sizes of amplicons are indicated on the right of each lane. (B) Southern analysis of the D and SAF2 plants of the Auby accession. Plant genomic DNAs and mixed BAC clone DNAs (positive control) were digested with PstI restriction enzyme. The probe was amplified from the AhMTP1-D harbouring BAC clone. Sizes deduced from a ladder are shown to right of the panel. (C) Production of AhMTP1-D specific amplicons from plants belonging to 14 different A. halleri populations. The 1 through 14 numbers above the lanes represent the following A. halleri populations, respectively: M Auby, M Sauerland, NM Regen, M Harz, NM CZ8-13, NM nord Tyrol, M Katowice-Weinowice, NM Zakopane, NM Appusenes, NM Fagaras Ro-12-6, NM Fagaras Ro-ovirensis, NM Southern Tyrol, M Lombardie and NM Tessin, where M = metallicolous and NM = non metallicolous. AhMTP1-B specific primer pairs were used as a control.

Figure 5
