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Hippocampal Remapping Is Constrained by Sparseness rather than Capacity

  • Axel Kammerer,

    Affiliations Department Biologie II, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Planegg, Germany, Graduate School for Systemic Neurosciences, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Planegg, Germany

  • Christian Leibold

    Affiliation Department Biologie II, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Planegg, Germany


Grid cells in the medial entorhinal cortex encode space with firing fields that are arranged on the nodes of spatial hexagonal lattices. Potential candidates to read out the space information of this grid code and to combine it with other sensory cues are hippocampal place cells. In this paper, we investigate a population of grid cells providing feed-forward input to place cells. The capacity of the underlying synaptic transformation is determined by both spatial acuity and the number of different spatial environments that can be represented. The codes for different environments arise from phase shifts of the periodical entorhinal cortex patterns that induce a global remapping of hippocampal place fields, i.e., a new random assignment of place fields for each environment. If only a single environment is encoded, the grid code can be read out at high acuity with only few place cells. A surplus in place cells can be used to store a space code for more environments via remapping. The number of stored environments can be increased even more efficiently by stronger recurrent inhibition and by partitioning the place cell population such that learning affects only a small fraction of them in each environment. We find that the spatial decoding acuity is much more resilient to multiple remappings than the sparseness of the place code. Since the hippocampal place code is sparse, we thus conclude that the projection from grid cells to the place cells is not using its full capacity to transfer space information. Both populations may encode different aspects of space.

Author Summary

The mammalian brain represents space in the population of hippocampal place cells as well as in the population of medial entorhinal cortex grid cells. Since both populations are active at the same time, space information has to be synchronized between the two. Both brain areas are reciprocally connected, and it is unclear how the two codes influence each other. In this paper, we analyze a theoretical model of how a place code processes inputs from the grid cell population. The model shows that the sparseness of the place code poses a much stronger constraint than maximal information transfer. We thus conclude that the potentially high spatial acuity of the grid code cannot be efficiently conveyed to a sparse place cell population and thus propose that sparseness and spatial acuity are two independent objectives of the neuronal place representation.


The neuronal representation of space that is necessary for navigation and orientation has been traditionally assigned to the hippocampal place cell system [1], where cells fire only at few distinct locations and are silent elsewhere. Since the discovery of grid cells in the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) [2], [3], which fire on a hexagonal spatial lattice, a second space representation is now known and it has become unclear what the functional differences of the two are. It is speculated that the MEC grid cells are predominantly used in path integration, whereas the place cells may connect position and context information [4]. From the coding perspective it is remarkable that the hippocampal place fields are considerably sparse, whereas the grid fields generate a much denser code with approximately one third of all grid cells active at any one time [3]. Since both networks are reciprocally connected anatomically [5], [6] and functionally [7], [8], the two space representations have to be synchronized. Understanding the interplay of both codes thus leads to the more general question of how a dense neuronal code can be efficiently transferred into a sparse code and vice versa.

In this paper, we focus on the mapping from grid to place cells. This extends previous coding approaches in so far as they studied the isolated grid cell system from a mainly information theoretic perspective [9], [10]. Here, we discuss a coding theory by including the further constraint that the grid code has to be readable by the place code at a similar and behaviorally relevant resolution, since we assume that space information is only relevant for the brain if it can be read out by other neurons. Employing two population models, for grid cells and place cells, we show that a relevant resolution of the order of centimeters can be easily transferred from a relatively small grid-cell to a relatively small place-cell population. Larger numbers (particularly of place cells) can thus be used to encode multiple environments [11] at a similar spatial resolution. Our model also shows that may interference owing to multiple environments reduces the sparseness of the hippocampal code much faster than it reduces the space information of the population patterns measured by the number of different environments that can be encoded at a given spatial resolution. These findings argue against a pure feed-forward model of place field formation from grid cells, consistent with recent experimental findings [7], [12][16].


Here we briefly summarize the general structure of our model, whereas a detailed account is provided in the Materials and Methods Section. A population of grid cells is connected to place cells via a feed-forward synaptic matrix. The grid cells are organized in four modules that differ in the spatial period (or grid spacing) of the periodic hexagonal firing patterns [17]. The neuronal activities of the MEC and hippocampal populations are assumed to encode either linear tracks or square boxes both of length 1 m (Figs. 1 and 2). Different environments are represented by phase shifts of the grid fields that are identical for all cells in a module [18] but random between modules [19].

Figure 1. Hebbian learning of multiple linear tracks.

(A) Grid cell firing maps for 400 grid cells with width constant on a 1 meter linear track (, , m, ). The cells are organized in 4 modules, with a period ratio of 1.67 to achieve a spatial period of 30 cm in the lowest module. The numbers at top right corners indicate the maximal spike count as a proxy for peak firing rate (see Materials and Methods). (B) Firing rates of place cells which received the grid field activity from A as an input. The corresponding synaptic connections were obtained from an Hebbian outer product rule based on the rate maps of the grid population in A and the ideal place field population (C). (D) To represent a second environment, the grid code from A is shifted by module-specific phases. (E) Globally remapped place code that is learned from the remapped rate maps in D and F. (F) Ideal place code in the second environment.

Figure 2. Two-dimensional rate maps for grid cells and place fields in two environments ().

(A, D) Grid rates differ by module-specific phase shifts. Four example cells are shown, two from the first module (top) and two from the second (bottom). A total of four modules was used. Maximum spike counts shown above each plot. (B, E) place cell rate maps for both remappings. Positions of place fields are set by Hebbian learning. (C, F) Desired place fields as used for Hebbian learning. Firing fields in C are distributed in a square lattice equidistantly across the environment. Fields in F are obtained by shuffling cell identities from C, which ensures equal coverage. Parameters are place cells and grid cells and m, , , . All other parameters are as for the one-dimensional case.

The spike count of the grid cells is assumed to follow Poisson statistics. For the place cells we first define place fields that optimally cover the whole environment but are only used as teacher patterns in a training step in which we construct synaptic weights between grid cells and place cells by supervised Hebbian learning. The teacher place fields are randomly assigned in each environment (shuffling of place cells) resembling the global remapping [20] of hippocampal place fields found in experiments. For each such remapping synaptic weights are incremented according to the Hebb rule such that all shifted grid patterns activate the corresponding remapped place code.

Realizations of grid field spikes are projected via the learned feed-forward connections to the place field population that employs a soft winner-take-all mechanism (E-MAX rule) to emulate recurrent inhibition [21]. The activity from these simulations determines the actual firing fields and spike statistics of the place cells. The spatial acuity of both codes is measured by the empirical minimum mean square decoding error of single trial activity. The simulations are evaluated by a variety of measures including sparseness and the similarity between the place fields used during training and those obtained in the simulation.

The capacity of a spatial code consists of two components. First, the spatial resolution [9], or how precisely one can infer a spatial position. Second, how many different environments can be represented. Since different environments are obtained by MEC phase shifts and hippocampal remapping, all spatial information is conveyed by the same synaptic connections. Thus the multiple stored environments interfere at the cost of spatial resolution.

Resolution of the grid code

To assess the ground truth of our model, we first evaluate the coding capacity of the grid cell population on a one-dimensional linear track (Fig. 3). The spatial resolution (denoted as root-mean square estimation error; RMSE) non-trivially depends on the tuning width of the grid code and the number of neurons [9], [22]. Three examples of grid codes are shown in Fig. 3A–C for three different values of . Grids as usually observed in MEC are most similar to the situation in Fig. 3B, whereas Fig. 3A and C illustrate settings with extremely thin and broad tuning curves, respectively. Thus, the biological value of is about 1, which corresponds to a ratio between tuning width and spatial period of about (see Fig. S4 of [3]). However, the RMSE non-monotonically depends on [22] with a minimum at rather thin tuning curves (Fig. 3D).

Figure 3. Root mean square error of grid cells (RMSEgrid) on the linear track.

(A–C) Example tuning curves for 4 cells from different modules and three choices of width constant . (D) RMSE as a function of cell number and tuning width . (E) Scaling of with for fixed RMSE. Parameters are , m, .

The resolution (RMSE) improves with such that even for moderate cell numbers (several hundreds) it is easy to obtain spatial resolutions in the range of 1 mm and below. From a behavioral perspective, however, one may ask whether such a resolution is actually psychophysically reasonable, or even useful. We thus suggest that resolution is probably not the major objective of the grid code and test the alternative possibility that the grid code may be designed to display a reasonable spatial resolution in as many environments as possible. As a lower bound for such a reasonable resolution we postulate an RMSE of 0.5 cm (dashed line in Fig. 3D) and ask the question, which parameter setting in -space would actually result in this behaviorally relevant RMSE (Fig. 3E). The minimum scales supra-linearly with , i.e. it flattens out for smaller . We thus argue that is a good choice because it still is in the super-linear regime requiring only relatively small cell numbers and at the same time results in tuning widths that are similar to biology (like Fig. 3B). For further analysis we thus fix the grid code to and .

Resolution of the place code in a single environment

The spatial acuity of the population code of grid cells can only be made use of if it can be read out by downstream centers. We therefore asked under which conditions the resolution of grid cell network from the previous subsection can be preserved in the place cell network under the ideal conditions that only one environment has to be represented (number of environments ); Fig. 4.

Figure 4. Root mean square error of place cells RMSEplace on linear track.

(A–F) Place cell tuning functions (spike counts as a function of space ). Dashed lines: teacher tuning curves used for training. Solid lines: tuning curves after learning averaged over 800 trials ( is the width of the teacher curves). (G) Place cell resolution RMSEplace as function of and . Grid cell resolution is shown as dashed line. Parameters used were , , , other parameters were as in Fig. 3.

Since the tuning curves are actually learned there exists a clear lower bound for the tuning widths that reflects the minimal width of the grid cell population (Fig. 4A–F). Narrower place fields cannot be achieved by the present model even if the fields used during training are much narrower than the smallest grid fields. Similar as for the grid cell code, a reduction in the place field width effectively improves the RMSE, however, the resolution is limited by that of the grid code (0.5 cm). Therefore an increase in the number of place cells reduces the RMSE and the performance quickly converges to the minimum for ; Fig. 4G. Only relatively few neurons are needed to achieve such a behaviorally relevant resolution, and thus we next asked how many different environments can be represented at this resolution.

Multiple environments

Storing multiple environments generates interferences of the place codes since each remapping taxes synaptic resources. Thus the spatial resolution of the place code is getting worse when storing multiple environments (Fig. 5). However, even for 21 remappings in our parameter regime () the decoding error is still relatively low (). Also the number of remapped environments for which decoding is possible increases with the number of place cells (Fig. 6A), such that even for moderate place cell numbers many environments can be easily decoded at physiological resolution.

Figure 5. Quality of 1-d place code for increasing number of maps in a network with place cells and grid cells and m, , , .

Left column: Rate map for environment . Right column: Position estimates from the place code as a function of real position.

Figure 6. Capacity for storing remappings on the linear track.

Place cell resolution and further measures as functions of the number of remappings stored. (A) Root mean square error (RMSE) of place cells. Blue and green solid lines: Mean over realizations. Dashed lines: 99 quantiles. Red line RMSE of the grid cell input. (B) Mean single cell sparseness. (C) Ratio of proper place cells. (D) Mean number of place fields for proper place cells. (E) Mean size of place fields for proper place cells. (F) Mean population sparseness. (G) Ratio of cells for which Hebbian learning was successful (according to the three similarity criteria defined in the Materials and Methods section). Parameters were , m, , , , 4 modules, 20 realizations.

Although space information is retained for considerably large values of , the place code degenerates already for much smaller . This degeneration is best described by a loss of sparseness (Fig. 6B, [23]) resulting from less localized firing fields, while the average spike count remains constant (see Materials and Methods). This delocalization results in a reduction of the number of proper place cells (Fig. 6C) which exhibit an increased number of regular-sized firing fields (Fig. 6D, E) before they cease to be place cells and are active over almost the whole track as indicated by a mean population sparseness (average fraction of active cells at a position) close to 1 (Fig. 6F). Also the firing fields quickly loose their similarity to the trained firing fields (Fig. 6G). From these observations we conclude that although a large number of putative place cells allow to reliably decode a large number of environments by remapping, the place field quality (i.e. the sparseness) of the encoding neurons disappears. Thus the observation of a sparse place code in the hippocampus must result from further objectives beyond decoding quality and remapping capacity.

Generalization to open fields

To test whether these observations are specific to the one-dimensional paradigm, we repeated the same simulations and analysis for a two-dimensional enclosure (see Materials and Methods and Fig. 2). As in the one-dimensional case, inspection of single examples for high numbers of remappings reveals that the place-selectivity of the readout neurons (the putative place cells) deteriorates much faster than the decoding quality (Fig. 7). Even random spatial patches (for ; Fig. 7 B) allow for almost perfect decoding (Fig. 7 E). Spatial estimation only breaks down, if hardly any space modulation is observable in the firing patterns (Fig. 7 C, F). These exemplary observations are corroborated by a systematic quantitative assessment of the code and the firing fields in Fig. 8.

Figure 7. Quality of 2-d place code, for increasing number of stored environments .

(A–C) Rate maps of four example cells for 15, 30, and 90 stored remappings. The desired place field positions (not shown) are identical to Fig. 2 C, but in this case are hardly achieved. (D–F): Minimum mean squared error estimates of position plotted against true position for 500 trials, again for , 30 and 90. Parameters as in Fig. 2.

Figure 8. Capacity for storing remappings in a square box.

Place cell resolution and further measures as functions of the number of remappings stored. (A) Root mean square error (RMSE) of place cells. Blue and green solid lines: Mean over realizations. Dashed lines: 99 quantiles. Red line RMSE of the grid cell input. (B) Mean single cell sparseness. (C) Ratio of proper place cells. (D) Mean number of place fields for the proper place cells. (E) Mean size of place fields for the proper place cells. (F) Mean population sparseness. (G) Ratio of cells for which Hebbian learning of place fields was successful (according to the three similarity criteria defined in the Materials and Methods section). Parameter used as before , m, , , , 4 modules, 15 realizations.

In analogy to the one-dimensional case, decoding quality increases with the number of putative place cells and remains in the centimeter range for 40 and more remappings if (Fig. 8A). At the same time, the place field characteristics deteriorate with increasing as was described in the one-dimensional case (Fig. 6): sparseness decreases (Fig. 8B, F), place field number increases before no clear place fields are visible anymore (Fig. 8C, D, E), place fields loose their similarity to the trained patterns (Fig. 8G).

In the two-dimensional case for few place cells , we observe an improvement in resolution when going from one to about 10 remappings before the decoding error again increases with . Although counter-intuitive, this effect reflects that an increase in mean population sparseness at first provides a better coverage of the square box. To make the model work also for small , the number of place cells has to be large to overcome this finite size effect. It therefore imposes a constraint on a minimum number of . This effect also exemplifies that decoding RMSE depends on many different aspects and thus it is generally difficult to use it as a single measure for comparing the "quality" of a population code.

We also assessed the robustness of our findings with respect to essential model parameters. We evaluated the place code for different number of grid cells , while keeping a constant total number of input spikes and found essentially no difference (S1 Figure). Also, a mere increase in the number of place field spikes only improves the spatial resolution but does not alter any of the other place field characteristics (S2 Figure).

Direct control of sparseness

A substantial effect on the population code can be observed by altering the strength of feedback inhibition in the place field population by means of the E% value (Fig. 9). This parameter determines the firing threshold as the input strength E% below the maximum (see Methods and [21]). The E% value directly controls the sparseness of the code (Fig. 9B–G). For low E% values (sparse codes) and low numbers of environments, we again observe the finite size effect of high RMSE, which then improves with increasing (Fig. 9A). This initially high RMSE, however, can again be compensated for by using larger numbers of place cells (as in Fig. 8 A). As a result, the decreasing E% generally allows to store more environments, however, at the cost of high to achieve a sufficiently small RMSE for low .

Figure 9. Effect of the E% parameter on the capacity for storing remappings in a square box for place cells.

Place cell resolution and further measures as functions of the number of remappings stored. (A) Root mean square error (RMSE) of place cells. Blue and green solid lines: Mean over realizations. Dashed lines: 99 quantiles. Red line RMSE of the grid cell input. (B) Mean single cell sparseness. (C) Ratio of proper place cells. (D) Mean number of place fields for the proper place cells. (E) Mean size of place fields for the proper place cells. (F) Mean population sparseness. (G) Ratio of cells for which Hebbian learning of place fields was successful (according to the three similarity criteria defined in the Materials and Methods section). Parameter used as before , m, , , , 4 modules, 8 realizations. The curve for is taken from Figure 8 and has 15 realizations.

Partial learning

If one constrains the parameter space to biologically realistic mean population sparseness values for the hippocampal place fields about to (Supporting Information of [24] and [25], see Discussion) our simulations of the standard parameter regime (Fig. 8) show that such a regular place code can only be observed for up to about ten environments. Also for increased E% value the number of sparsely encoded environments is only increased to several tens (Fig. 9). A major factor limiting the number of environments is that in our model the synapses to the place cells are updated in each remapping, i.e., the place cells experience maximal interference. One can considerably extend the number of remappings for a given sparseness if the synaptic changes from different remappings are distributed to varying subsets of place cells, thereby increasing the overall number of putative place cells (partial learning). This strategy is motivated by an experimental report showing that only a small subset of CA1 pyramidal cells shows intracellular determinants for being recruited as a place cell in a novel environment [26]. We illustrate the benefits of partial learning by a further set of simulations in which the synaptic weights to only a fraction of the place cells are updated in each individual remapping (partial learning; Fig. 10). Using mean population sparseness as a criterion for the breakdown of the place code, partial learning increases the number of possible remappings (Fig. 10A) to over a hundred. As a measure for capacity, one can define a critical number of environments at which the mean population sparseness exceeds a (biologically motivated) threshold value of (see Discussion). This critical only weakly increases with the number of place fields but strongly decreases with increasing fraction of partial learning (Fig. 10B, C).

Figure 10. Partial learning.

Effect of place cell number and of the fraction that are trained to encode one environment on the number of environments . (A) Population sparseness as function of environments stored, for place cells. Different colors represent different fractions for partial learning, see legend in B. The critical value at which sparseness reaches a biologically realistic value of is obtained by interpolation. (B) Critical values of as function of place cell number and partial learning fraction . Data can be fitted by simple logarithmic functions . (C) Exponent and coefficient of fit from B. (D) Root mean square errors (RMSE) at the critical for the and in B. (E) and (F): Mean place field size (E) and number (F) at the critical for the and in B. Averages are over proper place cells.

In rat hippocampus the number of CA1 neurons is in the order of several 100 thousands and thus according to Fig. 10B, a sparse place representation may still be consistent with storing hundreds to thousands of remappings if each place cell is involved in only a small fraction of environments.

The encoding acuity (RMSE) is generally not affected by partial learning as long as is not too small (Fig. 10D). Only for very small values of , when a winner-take-all effect of the E%-MAX rule decreases sparseness for , spatial acuity deteriorates. However, this regime is biologically unrealistic, since there the number of neurons encoding an environment tends to zero.

The geometry of the spatial firing patterns (place field size and number), is virtually unaffected by (Fig. 10 D, E). The place field sizes we find in the model (up to 0.05 m2) are within the range reported in the experimental literature [25], [27], the mean number of place fields (about 3) is at the upper bound of the fields per m2 experimentally found in the hippocampus and dentate gyrus [24], [27], which indicates that the place code might in fact even be sparser than than the threshold motivated by current experimental data (see Discussion).


The hippocampal formation hosts two space representations. A sparse one in the hippocampus proper, in which the neurons have a limited number of distinct firing fields (place fields) and a dense one in the MEC, where grid cells exhibit multiple firing fields located on the nodes of a hexagonal lattice. If both brain regions encode the unique physical spatial position of the animal, the two codes have to be coherent. Anatomically both brain areas are reciprocally connected [5][8] and thus place cell activity will influence grid cell activity and vice versa.

In this paper, we focus on the connections from the medial entorhinal grid cells to the hippocampus, which anatomically correspond to the perforant pathway and the temporo-ammonic pathway. These pathways have initially been thought to predominantly underly the transformation from grid to place cells [19], [28][32]. More recently, developmental studies [12], [13] and pharmacological interventions that block grid cell firing [7], [14][16], have shown that place cells can also be observed independently of grid-field firing (but see [33]). Thus, while the MEC-to-hippocampus connections seem to be unnecessary to generate place fields, they are likely important in synchronizing both codes. This view is further corroborated by the observation that place cell firing is less stable if MEC input is eliminated [34].

Although it is known from information theory that capacity and sparseness cannot be maximized simultaneously [35], [36], our paper exemplifies this rule for a specific neuronal network example, in that it shows that maximization of capacity of MEC-to-hippocampal connections destroys the sparseness of the hippocampal place code.

From the theoretical perspective, if the synaptic matrix is know that transforms one code into another, reading out a dense code is more difficult than reading out a sparse code. This is because the synaptic matrix gives rise to a much noisier postsynaptic signal for dense input patterns [37]. Therefore the transformation from place cells to grid cells is less problematic than the other way round. The grid to place transformation provides an interesting test case to study information transfer between different brain areas in general.

Our model is largely based on experimental reports of grid and place cell remapping [18], [20], [38][40]. While place cells turn on, turn off, or show random relocation during global remapping [40], grid fields shift and rotate. In our model, we consider only shifts, since rotations were shown to be less efficient for remapping previously [19]. Although the grid modules seem to operate functionally independent [17], it is not yet clear whether the modules remap independently as proposed in [19]. A further finding from [19] was that a few () modules suffice for strong remapping and data [17] suggest that MEC has only about 5 to 9 modules. Only a part of these modules innervate any one place cell, owing to the dorso-ventrally ordered topography of the input fibers. We therefore concluded that a biologically reasonable number of modules influencing any single place cell is about 4. We further assume that the number of cells per module is constant, which is optimal from a theoretical perspective [9] but might not necessarily be the case [17].

To connect our simulations to hippocampal physiology, we assume a population sparseness value of . This value can be estimated by combining data from the supporting information (Table S1 of [24]) (mean number of place cells: 1.1/(0.8 m)2 for CA3, 2/(0.8 m)2 for DG; percentage of place fields: 62/71 for CA3, 41/44 for DG) and place field areas measured in [25] in a circular enclosure of diameter 76 cm (field area: 0.08 m2 for CA3, 0.06 m2 for DG). The estimate of the population sparseness for a 1 m2 enclosure (as in our simulations) thus follows from the product of these three values, i.e., we obtain about 0.12 for CA3 and for DG. However, in our simulations, a sparseness value of yields a number of place fields per place cell that is slightly higher than observed in experiments, and thus the above numbers may over-estimate the sparseness values in the real rodent brain.

Previous coding theories of MEC grid cells have extensively investigated spatial resolution. According to [9], [41], hierarchical grid codes outperform place codes by far in terms of their scaling behavior. A main reason is that for a constant resolution, the number of place cells scales with area, whereas for grid cells only those with larger period have to be scaled up with area for disambiguation, however, the resolution mostly rests on the smallest grid periodicity and thus the size of the population with small periodicity is independent of spatial range to be encoded. The parameter regimes in which grid codes are particularly superior to place codes provide relative root mean square errors in the range of and even far below [9]. For a one meter environment, this would correspond to (sub-)millimeter resolution which is biologically irrelevant for encoding but might be important for MEC models of path integration [42], [43] where errors can accumulate over time. In the regime used for the present model (Figs. 3 and 4), the surplus in resolution of the grid code is relatively small, consistent with a biologically relevant decoding situation of high noise and few modules [44].

A further noteworthy result of our simulations is that a population code still contains almost maximal space information (in terms of minimal RMSE), even if no clear spatial firing fields can be delineated anymore. On the one hand this shows that also brain areas like the lateral entorhinal cortex [45] and the subiculum [46] with only weakly space-modulated individual neurons can provide high-resolution space information on the population level and thus a superposition of such weakly modulated firing fields via synaptic inputs is sufficient to provide place information to any downstream structure. This means that also the hippocampus and the MEC may not generate their strongly spatially modulated firing fields de-novo but inherit them from weakly modulated populations as e.g. the lateral entorhinal cortex. On the other hand our findings show that sparseness of the hippocampal place representation is not due to coding precision requirements but must serve other purposes. Manifold advantages of sparseness have been proposed [47] including energy efficiency [48]. A further classical benefit of sparse representations arises for auto-associative memory networks, where it facilitates memory retrieval due to reduced interference [37], [49][52].

Although our model includes lateral inhibition via the E% rule to limit the overall network activity the network cannot enforce sparseness except for unrealistically low values of . So it is still possible that other assumptions about the recurrent connections may enforce sparseness more effectively, while allowing remappings. For example, in a model using a combination of recurrent excitation and inhibition [53], [54] place fields arise from stable attractor states, where each attractor reflects the topology of place field positions for one remapping. The capacity (number of remappings per neuron) of this autoassociator is in the range of few percent and, thus for may end up slightly above the capacity derived from our model () (for fixed realistic sparseness). So, recurrent excitatory connections between place cells can potentially help to keep the place fields compact. The disadvantage of attractor-like solutions is that they show catastrophic forgetting, whereas our model exhibits a gradual decline of the order parameters (Figs. 6, 8 and 9).

The view on how space information is communicated between the reciprocally connected brain areas hippocampus and MEC has recently undergone a dramatic change from a completely feed-forward grid-to-place dogma [19], [28][32] to an almost reversed place-to-grid picture [7], [12][16]. We started out under the assumption that the spatial precision in the hippocampus mostly relies on inputs from MEC grid cells and remapping the MEC triggers remapping on the hippocampus. If this was the only function of the MEC-to-hippocampus connections, they should be filled with as much space information as possible and the representation would no longer be sparse. Our results thus show that functionally the classical pure grid-to-place hypothesis would only suboptimally use the coding resources. The required compact place fields and the MEC-to-hippocampus synapses thus do not seem to be optimized to transfer space information.

Since new experimental data [7], [12][16] show that MEC is actually not essential for generating place cells, our findings suggest the possibility that hippocampal space information might actually primarily stem from other regions than the MEC. The grid field input to place fields thus likely imposes only modulatory or stabilizing effects. Conversely, no grid cells have been so far observed without place cell activity, and thus the place-to-grid hypothesis is still a possible candidate. However, it is unclear why hexagonal symmetry might emerge from the perspective of a transformation of a sparse place code to a dense code, and thus it might as well be that the two codes are generated independently for different computational purposes and the reciprocal connections are only required for synchronization and stabilization.

Materials and Methods

Grid cell firing rate maps in one dimension

The grid cells are modeled as Poisson spikers with firing maps that denote the mean spike count of cell conditioned on the position on a 1 meter track. All cells have the same maximal spike count and the same field width parameter . The cells differ in their spatial periods and grid phases . The specific model for the cells' Poisson spike counts follows a von Mises function:

Each cell belongs to one of modules. Cells in a module share a spatial period . The phases in each module are chosen equidistantly such that the firing fields cover the linear track; Fig. 1A.

Though we have only one width parameter for all cells, the tuning width for the cells in one specific module scales with the period , as can be seen from expanding the cosine term in .

The spike count is adjusted such that the whole grid cell population generates a constant given number of spikes averaged over all positions and cells , i.e.,(1)

Here, the locations are discretized in bins . The value used for is 1.5 spikes per cell. Since for Poisson spikers the spike count is a product of averaging duration, firing rate and number of cells with the same rate function , the three factors cannot be distinguished. Although, for simplicity, we call the number of grid cells, it is more correctly referred to as the number of grid cell channels (different rate functions ).

The different modules are defined by their grid period . In our grid cell population, the first module is assigned the largest spatial period, which we take such that each cell in this module only has one unique firing field on the track. The smaller periods of the other modules are obtained via geometric progression, , with a period ratio , and . The period ratio is defined via the number of modules and the smallest period , which is set to 30 cm, a lower bound suggested by experiments [3], [17]. Thus the only remaining degrees of freedom for the grid code are the number of modules, the width constant and the mean spike count per length . We choose , and unless otherwise mentioned.

Hebbian learning of place cells

The synaptic weights of the feed forward connections from grid to place cells are set by Hebbian learning based on the rate maps of the grid cells from eq. (1) and the desired rate maps(2)of the place cells with width and centers that uniformly cover the interval ; Fig. 1C.

With these idealized place fields, the weights are calculated according to outer product (Hebbian) rule: using discretized locations we define(3)

The denominator ensures that connections to place cells with fields at the borders are as strong as the ones to centered place fields.


The two networks (grid and place cells) are supposed to encode environments. Each environment has a new grid code generated by shifting each module's phases by a constant . These shifts have experimentally been shown to be coherent within one module [18] and have been theoretically proposed to be uncorrelated between modules [19]. The shifted grid field patterns are denoted by . A new place code is generated by randomly choosing the place field centers . Hebbian learning as in eq. 3 is repeated times and weights are added.

Place cell spikes and position decoding

The place cell spikes for cell at a position are produced by drawing Poisson spikes for the grid cells, then taking the weighted sumof those, to yield a membrane potential of the place cells. The activity is then generated following the E%-MAX rule [21], that emulates the effect of recurrent inhibition: after finding the maximum membrane potential , all are set to zero and the ones above this threshold are multiplied with a constant , and used as place cell firing rate from which spike counts are derived according to Poisson statistics.

Decoding the place code via a minimum mean square estimator [55](4)requires a statistical model of place cell firing. Since in the model the single trial spike counts are statistically independent the posterior can be obtained using Bayes' rule,

The prior is taken as constant, . The individual likelihoods are obtained by repeating the above stochastic process 800 times for each cell and each sampled position and sampling the relative frequencies of spike counts . This distribution is then fitted with a bimodal model function consisting of a probability of cell not firing, and probability of firing spikes following a normal distribution with fit parameters mean and variance :(5)

Examples for such fits are shown in Fig. 11. Again, the constant is obtained by fixing the number of spikes per centimeter per cell in an iterative fashion. The resulting value is unless otherwise mentioned.

Figure 11. Spike count likelihood of place cells.

(A) Firing rates (gray code) of model place cells as a function of position. (B–D) Simulated spike counts and fits of the model function eq. (5) for examples indicated in A.

Two-dimensional place code

For comparison we also implemented the model in two spatial dimensions . There, the grid cell's firing maps are set as in [31]with being a unitary vector pointing into direction . Using , and , the three spatial waves add up to a hexagonal firing pattern with spatial period , a maximum at , and orientation (Fig. 2A). The nonlinearity both adjusts the minimal firing rate to zero and matches the spatial decay of the firing rate peaks to experiments [31]. Like for the one-dimensional simulations we use four modules. Cells in one module share spatial period and orientation. The period for the first module is m (larger than the box). The smallest period is set to m. The two intermediate periods are again obtained by geometric progression . Orientation for each module is drawn at random. The "centers" are uniformly distributed over the Wigner cell of size . For all computational purposes, we used spatial bins to discretize the box.

To generate two-dimensional place fields we set feed-forward weights by Hebbian learning, using Gaussian tuning curves as firing maps for place fields as in eq. (2), but with and replaced by their two-dimensional counterparts (Fig. 2 B, C). The centers cover the box uniformly on a square grid. Centers of teacher place fields for cell exceeding the number of nodes on the square lattice were distributed randomly. Weights are then calculated using eq. (3).

The spikes are produced as in the one-dimensional case. Decoding follows eq. (4) with one-dimensional quantities replaced by their two-dimensional counterparts.

For a remapping, each grid cell module is assigned one random spatial shift vector, added to all from that module. The shift is obtained by drawing a vector from the Wigner cell of that module using a uniform distribution (Fig. 2 D). For remapping, the place cells are assigned new centers at random, which again cover the box equidistantly. Then Hebbian learning is repeated, adding to the existing weights (Fig. 2 E, F).

Partial learning

Partial learning as used in the simulations of Fig. 10 was implemented as follows. For each environment we selected a random set of cells such that each cell is selected approximately the same amount of times across environments. This was achieved via random permutations of the cell indices. The sets of cells were taken from such a random index sequence one after the other, and only if less than items were left in the index sequence, a new random permutation was generated.

For each set of selected cells we defined teacher place fields that cover the whole environment as uniformly as possible on a square grid with nodes (see previous section). Hebbian learning according to eq. (3) was applied to only the synapses between the grid field population and the selected set of postsynaptic cells.

By construction, some place cells will be used in more environments than others. We normalize the rows of after all environments have been learned to avoid that the cells that are involved in more environments (and thus have larger weights) are overly excited and exert too much inhibition on the remaining cells via the E-MAX rule.

Single cell sparseness

According to [23], single cell sparseness is defined as , where denotes the firing rate of the specific cell as a function of position and indicates the average over space.

Population sparseness

Population sparseness is defined as the percentage of place cells firing above a threshold of of the maximum firing rate at any position.

Detection of (proper) place fields

The number and size of place fields was found by first thresholding the rate maps, discarding all bins below of the maximal rate, and then applying the algorithm by Hoshen and Kopelman [56]. Bins were considered neighboring if they share an edge, hence diagonal bins were not neighbors. Place fields were only included in the analysis (proper place fields) if they were larger than 50 cm2 and smaller than of the total environment.

Success of Hebbian learning by similarity

Learning of place fields was considered successful in a cell if the learned field showed sufficient similarity to the training field according to three criteria: 1) the total area above a threshold of peak rate has to be smaller than , 2) the place field center has to be detected close to the desired location, i.e., no further away than the place field radius (), and 3) the desired place field has to have an area at least twice the size of all other place fields.

Supporting Information

S1 Figure.

Effect of the place cell spike number on the capacity for storing remappings in a square box. Place cell resolution and further measures as functions of the number of remappings stored for . (A) Root mean square error (RMSE) of place cells. Blue and green solid lines: Mean over realizations. Dashed lines: 99 quantiles. Red line RMSE of the grid cell input. (B) Mean single cell sparseness. (C) Ratio of proper place cells. (D) Mean number of place fields for the proper place cells. (E) Mean size of place fields for the proper place cells. (F) Mean population sparseness. (G) Ratio of cells for which Hebbian learning of place fields was successful (according to the three similarity criteria defined in the Materials and Methods section). Parameter used as before , m, , , , 4 modules, 15 realizations, 10 for .


S2 Figure.

Effect of varying grid cell number and grid cell spike count with constant on the capacity for storing remappings in a square box. Place cell resolution and further measures as functions of the number of remappings stored for . (A) Root mean square error (RMSE) of place cells. Blue and green solid lines: Mean over realizations. Dashed lines: 99 quantiles. Red line RMSE of the grid cell input. (B) Mean single cell sparseness. (C) Ratio of proper place cells. (D) Mean number of place fields for the proper place cells. (E) Mean size of place fields for the proper place cells. (F) Mean population sparseness. (G) Ratio of cells for which Hebbian learning of place fields was successful (according to the three similarity criteria defined in the Materials and Methods section). Parameters used are as before , m, , , , 4 modules, 7 realizations, 15 for , , data from Fig. 8.



We would like to thank Alexander Mathis for discussions.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: AK CL. Performed the experiments: AK. Analyzed the data: AK. Wrote the paper: AK CL.


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