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Emergence of social inequality in the spatial harvesting of renewable public goods

Fig 4

Strategy regimes for different unit benefits and costs of harvesting.

Effects of the unit benefit bH and cost cH of harvesting on the (A) difference between harvesting rates of sedentary and mobile consumers, (B) population average of harvesting rates, (C) difference between dispersal distances of sedentary and mobile consumers, and (D) population average of dispersal distances. In panels A and B, the sedentary and mobile yield-maximizing harvesting rates (S2 Appendix) are indicated, respectively, by the unlabeled tick marks in the blue and green ranges of the color bars. In panel C, grey areas indicate where a difference in dispersal distances could not be reliably detect, due to insufficient numerical resolution. We find three strategy regimes, delimited by cyan and blue lines: in the region labeled ‘S,’ all consumers are prudent and sedentary, in the region labeled ‘M,’ all consumers are overexploitative and mobile, and in the region labeled ‘S & M,’ frugal sedentary consumers are coexisting with overexploitative mobile consumers. For the latter regime, outsets in panels B and D show average values separately for sedentary and mobile consumers. Parameter values are as shown in Table 1.

Fig 4
