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A probabilistic, distributed, recursive mechanism for decision-making in the brain

Fig 7

Modulation of activity by coherence throughout the cortico-basal-ganglia-thalamo-cortical loops.

(a-j) N = 2. (k-r) N = 4. Top row: mean population firing rate in LIP over time during the random dot motion task (19 neurons), aligned to stimulus onset (Stim; a, k) or saccade onset (Sac; b, l) (vertical dashed lines). (c, d) mean population firing rate in striatum during the dots task (48 neurons); same conventions as in top row. (e-j, m-r) mean rMSPRT computations as mapped in Fig 5, aligned at decision initiation or termination (Init/Term; dotted lines); single Monte Carlo experiment with 800, 1200 total trials for N = 2, 4, respectively; simulation as in Fig 6c–6e. (e, f, m, n) predicted time course of the model sensorimotor cortex (e.g. LIP) or striatum. (g, h, o, p) predicted simultaneous course of mean firing rate in SNr. (i, j, q, r) predicted course in thalamic relay nuclei. Solid: inRF. Dashed: outRF. Coherence % as in legend. Unshaded regions indicate approximate periods where a mechanism of decision formation should aim to reproduce the recordings.

Fig 7
