About the Authors

Jin Liu

jin.liu@unthsc.edu (JL); NussinoR@helix.nih.gov (RN)

Affiliations Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of North Texas Systems College of Pharmacy, University of North Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth, Texas, United States of America, Department of Chemistry, Center for Drug Discovery, Design, and Delivery (CD4), Center for Scientific Computation, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, United States of America

Ruth Nussinov

jin.liu@unthsc.edu (JL); NussinoR@helix.nih.gov (RN)

Affiliations Cancer and Inflammation Program, Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc., Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, Frederick, Maryland, United States of America, Sackler Inst. of Molecular Medicine, Department of Human Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

Competing Interests

Ruth Nussinov is affiliated with Leidos Biomedical Research Inc.