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Gene–Environment Interaction in Yeast Gene Expression

Figure 8

The BY Allele of IRA2 Is More Similar to a Knockout Than the RM Allele of IRA2

In order to assess the role of different alleles of IRA2, this gene was knocked out in both parental strain backgrounds. For all transcripts with gxeQTL in the region containing IRA2, we plotted the change in expression across conditions (ethanol–glucose).

(A) Scatterplot of the difference for the knockout (x-axis) versus the parental strain (y-axis) in the BY background.

(B) Scatterplot in the RM background. The BY ira2Δ knockout is significantly different from the parental strain (regression slope = 0.75, 95% CI = 0.71–0.78), but the RM ira2Δ knockout shows an even larger difference from the parent strain (regression slope = 0.40, 95% CI 0.35–0.45). This indicates that in the conditions studied, the RM allele of IRA2 is playing a larger role in determining how these transcripts differ between conditions.

Figure 8
