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P > PBP = P-PBP for only an instant, conformational change of PBP changes [ion], that fires the dendrite "electrically".

Posted by TogetherinParis on 07 May 2013 at 04:16 GMT

These researchers might review the literature to clear up apparent discrepancies.

Here's how it goes: Pheromone hits pheromone binding protein (pbp). Rapid conformational change. Pheromone hits another PBP, another rapid conformation change, and so on. The pH of the lymph changes/change in [K+] (Steinbrecht, 87). Then the hyperpolarized “just about to fire” dendrite fires.

My 2001 paper predicted the conformation change later found in the PBP-P. Why? The noted change in activity (pH) required a source of ions, just enough to tip the dendrite into firing (picoamp). No specific receptor on the dendrite is needed, perhaps the distal end of the dendrite is actually inside out, explaining the strange knot in the dendrite usually seen.

Getchell’s strange phase angle data is explained. A polyphemus’s simultaneous tip recordning and side wall recording is explained. The otherwise oddball electrical isolation of the receptor lymph is explained. Plus a lot more.

See Chapter 7: Human Pheromone Transduction in
Nicholson B. (2011). Exocrinology the science of love. Human pheromones in criminology, psychiatry, and medicine. Amazon. Amazon digital books, (read free).

Nicholson B. (2001). Pheromones cause disease: pheromone/odourant transduction. Med Hypotheses 9(9):3332.

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