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SUMO-Interacting Motifs of Human TRIM5α are Important for Antiviral Activity

Figure 6

SUMO interacting motifs present in TRIM5α orthologs are important for restriction activity.

A. CRFK cells stably expressing an empty vector, and FLAG-tagged wild-type rhesus TRIM5α or K10R, SIM1mut, SIM2mut and SIM3mut mutants were generated. The presence of the FLAG-TRIM5α proteins was detected by Western blot using a FLAG-antibody; the presence of GAPDH was used as a control. B. The CRFK empty vector control cell line and the indicated FLAG-TRIM5α overexpressing cell lines were mock treated or infected with increasing amounts of N-MLV luc. Forty-eight hours after infection, luciferase activity was measured. One representative experiment of three independent experiments is shown. Error bars indicate standard deviation among triplicates in the same experiment.

Figure 6
