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Correction: Vaccine Strain-Specificity of Protective HLA-Restricted Class 1 P. falciparum Epitopes

  • Martha Sedegah,
  • Bjoern Peters,
  • Michael R. Hollingdale,
  • Harini D. Ganeshan,
  • Jun Huang,
  • Fouzia Farooq,
  • Maria N. Belmonte,
  • Arnel D. Belmonte,
  • Keith J. Limbach,
  • Carter Diggs,
  • Lorraine Soisson,
  • Ilin Chuang,
  • Eileen D. Villasante
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The legends to Figs 1 and 2 have errors in the Panel A section. The authors have provided corrected versions here.

Fig 1. ELISpot and CD8+ T cell IFN-γ responses of DNA/HuAd5 and HuAd5 immunized subjects to P. falciparum strains 3D7 and 7G8 AMA1 A*03 protective epitopes.

ELISpot and CD8+ T cell IFN-γ activities are shown in Panels A–D. Panel A: ELISpot IFN-γ response of the A*03 protected subject (v11) are positive with Ap10 and the 3D7 A*03 epitope but not the 7G8 epitope (arrow). Panel B: ELISpot activity of v11 is not affected by CD4+-depletion but is abolished after CD8+ depletion (arrow). Panel C: CD8+ T cell IFN-γ responses of v11 are much higher (p = 0.001) to the 3D7 epitope than to the 7G8 epitope (arrow). Panel D: ELISpot IFN-γ responses of two of four non-protected subjects from the HuAd5 trial were weakly positive with the 3D7 epitope but all four subjects were negative with the 7G8 epitope (arrows).

Fig 2. ELISpot and CD8+ T cell IFN-γ responses of DNA/HuAd5 and HuAd5 immunized subjects to P. falciparum strains 3D7 and 7G8 AMA1 B*58 protective epitopes.

ELISpot and CD8+ T cell IFN-γ activities are shown in Panels A–D. Panel A: ELISpot IFN-γ responses of the B*58 protected subjects (v10, v18) are positive with Ap8 and the 3D7 B*58 epitope but not 7G8epitopes (arrows). Panel B: ELISpot activity of v10 is reduced but still remains positive after CD4+-depletion, but is abolished after CD8+-depletion (arrow); activity of v18 is unaffected by CD4+-depletion but is abolished after CD8+-depletion (arrow). Panel C: CD8+ T cell responses of v10 and v18 are much higher (p = 0.001) against the 3D7 B*58 epitope rather than the 7G8 B*58 epitope (arrows). Panel D: ELISpot IFN-γ response of DNA/HuAd5 non-protected B*58 subject (v15) was negative and non-protected v194 was weakly positive with the 3D7 B*58 epitope; two non-protected subjects from the HuAd5 trial that express A*01 (v135, v179) were weakly positive with the 3D7 B*58 epitope; all these subjects were negative with the 7G8 B*58 epitope (arrows).


  1. 1. Sedegah M, Peters B, Hollingdale MR, Ganeshan HD, Huang J, Farooq F, et al. (2016) Vaccine Strain-Specificity of Protective HLA-Restricted Class 1 P. falciparum Epitopes. PLoS ONE 11(10): e0163026. pmid:27695088