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Correction: Down-Regulation of Vitamin D Receptor in Mammospheres: Implications for Vitamin D Resistance in Breast Cancer and Potential for Combination Therapy

  • Shehla Pervin,
  • Martin Hewison,
  • Melissa Braga,
  • Lac Tran,
  • Rene Chun,
  • Amer Karam,
  • Gautam Chaudhuri,
  • Keith Norris,
  • Rajan Singh
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In the Mammospheres are Resistant to Vitamin D Treatment section within the Results Section all instances of nM should appear as μM. One exception in the last sentence; the value (0-100 nM) is correct. There are errors in Figures 1, 7, and 8. Please see the corrected Figures here: Figure 1:

Figure 7: Figure 8: The corrected figure legend of Figure 7 is: Cells were treated with 1,25D (0–0.1 μM) and allowed to proliferate for 4 days under high attachment conditions and cell numbers were counted by trypan blue method (*, p≤0.05; **, p≤0.01). Medium was replaced after every 48 hrs with appropriate concentrations of 1,25D. B, SKBR3 (2×104) cells were plated under mammosphere conditions on a 12-well ultra-low attachment plates in presence of different concentrations of 1,25D (0–0.1 μM) and allowed to grow under mammosphere conditions for 4 or 7 days and sphere diameters were measured. Appropriate concentrations of 1,25D were additionally supplemented in the culture medium after every 48 hours. Left Panel: Micrographs were taken at 100×magnification. Right Panel: Quantitative analysis of average diameter computed from 20 different fields from each treatment group. C, Quantitative real-time PCR analysis of Cyp27 B1 and Cyp24A1 mRNA expression from MCF-7 cells grown under plas or mam conditions after 4 days of plating (**, p≤0.01). D, HPLC analysis of 24,25D3 and 1,25D synthesis in cells grown under plastic or mammos conditions from MCF-7 cells after 4 days of plating (*, p≤0.05; **, p≤0.01). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0053287.g007 The corrected figure legend of Figure 8 is: Bottom Panel: Immunofluorescence analysis of MKP-1 and pERK1/2 in control and DETA (0.3 mM) treated mammospheres after 24 hrs. B, Top panel: Photomicrographs of HRas cells plated under mammosphere conditions and allowed to grow in medium containing either 1,25D (0.1 μM) and DETA (0.3 mM) alone or in combination for 5 days. Bottom panel; Average diameter of mammospheres computed from 20 different fields from each treatment groups (*, p≤0.05; **, p≤0.01). C, 5×105 HRas cells were allowed to seed on T-25 flasks and treated with 1,25D and DETA either alone or in combination. Total number of cells were counted after 5 days (*, p≤0.05; **, p≤0.01). D, HRas cells were plated under mammospheres conditions and treated with DETA (0.3 mM), or 1,25D (0.1 μM) either alone or in combination for 3 days. Mammospheres were dissociated and 1×105 cells from each treatment groups were injected into nude mice and tumor volumes were analyzed at various time points (1–8 weeks) (*, p≤0.05; **, p≤0.01 compared to the Con group). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0053287.g008