Mplus VERSION 7.3 MUTHEN & MUTHEN 01/09/2015 5:24 PM INPUT INSTRUCTIONS TITLE: Measurement model for enablers lpi_lgst: logistics competence lpi_trak: tracking and tracing lpi_time: timeliness lpi_ship: international shipments lpi_infr: infrastructure lpi_cust: customs g_rq12: regulatory quality g_coc12: control of corruption g_rol12: rule of law g_eff12: government effectiveness DATA: FILE = data.csv; VARIABLE: NAMES = drate12 g_rq12 g_coc12 g_eff12 hdi12 bchtcfac bchtc bcopehgn artcov11 lpi_infr lpi_ship lpi_lgst lpi_trak lpi_time lpi_cust g_rol12 artret12 lnhivprv rdindx dpe_the cicrdind gsind2 stghr3 gengii12; USEVAR = lpi_lgst lpi_trak lpi_time lpi_ship lpi_infr lpi_cust g_rq12 g_coc12 g_rol12 g_eff12; MODEL: Logistic BY lpi_lgst lpi_trak lpi_time lpi_ship lpi_infr lpi_cust; [lpi_lgst @0]; [Logistic*]; Govern BY g_rq12 g_coc12 g_rol12 g_eff12; [g_rq12 @0]; [Govern*]; OUTPUT: STDYX; INPUT READING TERMINATED NORMALLY Measurement model for enablers lpi_lgst: logistics competence lpi_trak: tracking and tracing lpi_time: timeliness lpi_ship: international shipments lpi_infr: infrastructure lpi_cust: customs g_rq12: regulatory quality g_coc12: control of corruption g_rol12: rule of law g_eff12: government effectiveness SUMMARY OF ANALYSIS Number of groups 1 Number of observations 59 Number of dependent variables 10 Number of independent variables 0 Number of continuous latent variables 2 Observed dependent variables Continuous LPI_LGST LPI_TRAK LPI_TIME LPI_SHIP LPI_INFR LPI_CUST G_RQ12 G_COC12 G_ROL12 G_EFF12 Continuous latent variables LOGISTIC GOVERN Estimator ML Information matrix OBSERVED Maximum number of iterations 1000 Convergence criterion 0.500D-04 Maximum number of steepest descent iterations 20 Input data file(s) data.csv Input data format FREE THE MODEL ESTIMATION TERMINATED NORMALLY MODEL FIT INFORMATION Number of Free Parameters 31 Loglikelihood H0 Value -34.057 H1 Value -12.198 Information Criteria Akaike (AIC) 130.115 Bayesian (BIC) 194.518 Sample-Size Adjusted BIC 97.032 (n* = (n + 2) / 24) Chi-Square Test of Model Fit Value 43.719 Degrees of Freedom 34 P-Value 0.1228 RMSEA (Root Mean Square Error Of Approximation) Estimate 0.070 90 Percent C.I. 0.000 0.124 Probability RMSEA <= .05 0.287 CFI/TLI CFI 0.985 TLI 0.980 Chi-Square Test of Model Fit for the Baseline Model Value 693.009 Degrees of Freedom 45 P-Value 0.0000 SRMR (Standardized Root Mean Square Residual) Value 0.054 MODEL RESULTS Two-Tailed Estimate S.E. Est./S.E. P-Value LOGISTIC BY LPI_LGST 1.000 0.000 999.000 999.000 LPI_TRAK 1.019 0.076 13.366 0.000 LPI_TIME 1.040 0.090 11.533 0.000 LPI_SHIP 0.941 0.082 11.473 0.000 LPI_INFR 0.996 0.090 11.017 0.000 LPI_CUST 0.820 0.070 11.658 0.000 GOVERN BY G_RQ12 1.000 0.000 999.000 999.000 G_COC12 0.909 0.099 9.195 0.000 G_ROL12 1.018 0.094 10.817 0.000 G_EFF12 1.104 0.104 10.570 0.000 GOVERN WITH LOGISTIC 0.106 0.029 3.654 0.000 Means LOGISTIC 2.542 0.049 52.007 0.000 GOVERN -0.496 0.074 -6.699 0.000 Intercepts LPI_LGST 0.000 0.000 999.000 999.000 LPI_TRAK 0.014 0.195 0.071 0.944 LPI_TIME 0.360 0.231 1.557 0.119 LPI_SHIP 0.206 0.210 0.981 0.327 LPI_INFR -0.089 0.232 -0.384 0.701 LPI_CUST 0.286 0.181 1.586 0.113 G_RQ12 0.000 0.000 999.000 999.000 G_COC12 -0.217 0.068 -3.208 0.001 G_ROL12 -0.189 0.064 -2.952 0.003 G_EFF12 -0.026 0.072 -0.369 0.712 Variances LOGISTIC 0.129 0.026 4.945 0.000 GOVERN 0.238 0.058 4.086 0.000 Residual Variances LPI_LGST 0.012 0.004 3.302 0.001 LPI_TRAK 0.028 0.006 4.407 0.000 LPI_TIME 0.044 0.009 4.707 0.000 LPI_SHIP 0.038 0.008 4.834 0.000 LPI_INFR 0.046 0.010 4.858 0.000 LPI_CUST 0.027 0.006 4.759 0.000 G_RQ12 0.086 0.018 4.772 0.000 G_COC12 0.056 0.012 4.546 0.000 G_ROL12 0.024 0.009 2.747 0.006 G_EFF12 0.039 0.012 3.316 0.001 STANDARDIZED MODEL RESULTS STDYX Standardization Two-Tailed Estimate S.E. Est./S.E. P-Value LOGISTIC BY LPI_LGST 0.955 0.016 60.535 0.000 LPI_TRAK 0.909 0.026 35.064 0.000 LPI_TIME 0.872 0.034 25.375 0.000 LPI_SHIP 0.866 0.035 24.639 0.000 LPI_INFR 0.857 0.037 22.887 0.000 LPI_CUST 0.873 0.034 25.724 0.000 GOVERN BY G_RQ12 0.856 0.038 22.482 0.000 G_COC12 0.882 0.033 27.079 0.000 G_ROL12 0.955 0.019 51.517 0.000 G_EFF12 0.939 0.022 43.365 0.000 GOVERN WITH LOGISTIC 0.606 0.089 6.790 0.000 Means LOGISTIC 7.087 0.729 9.715 0.000 GOVERN -1.019 0.197 -5.180 0.000 Intercepts LPI_LGST 0.000 0.000 999.000 999.000 LPI_TRAK 0.034 0.488 0.070 0.944 LPI_TIME 0.842 0.584 1.443 0.149 LPI_SHIP 0.530 0.567 0.934 0.350 LPI_INFR -0.214 0.546 -0.391 0.696 LPI_CUST 0.850 0.579 1.467 0.142 G_RQ12 0.000 0.000 999.000 999.000 G_COC12 -0.432 0.150 -2.872 0.004 G_ROL12 -0.364 0.132 -2.761 0.006 G_EFF12 -0.046 0.126 -0.367 0.714 Variances LOGISTIC 1.000 0.000 999.000 999.000 GOVERN 1.000 0.000 999.000 999.000 Residual Variances LPI_LGST 0.087 0.030 2.890 0.004 LPI_TRAK 0.174 0.047 3.686 0.000 LPI_TIME 0.239 0.060 3.990 0.000 LPI_SHIP 0.249 0.061 4.089 0.000 LPI_INFR 0.266 0.064 4.144 0.000 LPI_CUST 0.238 0.059 4.019 0.000 G_RQ12 0.267 0.065 4.092 0.000 G_COC12 0.222 0.057 3.856 0.000 G_ROL12 0.088 0.035 2.497 0.013 G_EFF12 0.119 0.041 2.926 0.003 R-SQUARE Observed Two-Tailed Variable Estimate S.E. Est./S.E. P-Value LPI_LGST 0.913 0.030 30.267 0.000 LPI_TRAK 0.826 0.047 17.532 0.000 LPI_TIME 0.761 0.060 12.687 0.000 LPI_SHIP 0.751 0.061 12.320 0.000 LPI_INFR 0.734 0.064 11.444 0.000 LPI_CUST 0.762 0.059 12.862 0.000 G_RQ12 0.733 0.065 11.241 0.000 G_COC12 0.778 0.057 13.539 0.000 G_ROL12 0.912 0.035 25.758 0.000 G_EFF12 0.881 0.041 21.682 0.000 QUALITY OF NUMERICAL RESULTS Condition Number for the Information Matrix 0.119E-03 (ratio of smallest to largest eigenvalue) DIAGRAM INFORMATION Use View Diagram under the Diagram menu in the Mplus Editor to view the diagram. If running Mplus from the Mplus Diagrammer, the diagram opens automatically. Diagram output \\\documents$\safarnejada\eep\sem\mortality_mplus\enabler measurement Beginning Time: 17:24:08 Ending Time: 17:24:08 Elapsed Time: 00:00:00 MUTHEN & MUTHEN 3463 Stoner Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90066 Tel: (310) 391-9971 Fax: (310) 391-8971 Web: Support: Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Muthen & Muthen