*S4 Text. STATA(TM) Regression Code *use 4 rounds of DHS data *declare survey design gen sampleweight=v005/1000000 svyset yearvillage [pweight= sampleweight ], strata(v025) *start with nutrition variables svy: mean haz06 stunt stuntedsev bornsmallsize mom_bmi lowbmi, over(year) *haz clearly measured with error. we create two "flag" variables: +/-5 std approach, and 4 std. deviations from median approach gen flaghaz=haz<-8 | haz>4 *now kernel densities for HAZ scores twoway (kdensity haz if year==2001 & flag==0) (kdensity haz if year==2006 & flag==0), ytitle(Density) xtitle(HAZ score (children 0-59 months)) graphregion(fcolor(white)) twoway (kdensity haz if year==2006 & flag==0) (kdensity haz if year==2011 & flag==0), ytitle(Density) xtitle(HAZ score (children 0-59 months)) graphregion(fcolor(white)) twoway (kdensity haz if year==2001 & flag==0) (kdensity haz if year==2011 & flag==0), ytitle(Density) xtitle(HAZ score (children 0-59 months)) graphregion(fcolor(white)) *kernel for bmi twoway (kdensity mom_bmi if year==2001) (kdensity mom_bmi if year==2011), ytitle(Density) xtitle(BMI score (mothers)) graphregion(fcolor(white)) *now Victora et al. type graphs twoway (lpolyci haz06 chage if year==2001, clcolor(black) clpattern(solid) fcolor(white) blcolor(black) blpattern(dot)) (lpolyci haz06 chage if year==2006, clcolor(gs10) fcolor(none) blpattern(dash)), ytitle(Predicted HAZ scores) ytitle(, margin(medsmall)) xtitle(Child's age (months)) xtitle(, margin(medsmall)) legend(on cols(2)) graphregion(fcolor(white)) plotregion(fcolor(white)) twoway (lpolyci haz06 chage if year==2006, clcolor(black) clpattern(solid) fcolor(white) blcolor(black) blpattern(dot)) (lpolyci haz06 chage if year==2011, clcolor(gs10) fcolor(none) blpattern(dash)), ytitle(Predicted HAZ scores) ytitle(, margin(medsmall)) xtitle(Child's age (months)) xtitle(, margin(medsmall)) legend(on cols(2)) graphregion(fcolor(white)) plotregion(fcolor(white)) twoway (lpolyci haz06 chage if year==2001, clcolor(black) clpattern(solid) blcolor(black) blpattern(dot)) (lpolyci haz06 chage if year==2011, clcolor(black) clpattern(dash)), ytitle(Predicted HAZ scores) ytitle(, margin(medsmall)) xtitle(Child's age (months)) xtitle(, margin(medsmall)) legend(on cols(2)) graphregion(fcolor(white)) plotregion(fcolor(white)) *now boys and girls twoway (lpolyci haz06 chage if ch_male==0, clcolor(black) clpattern(solid) blcolor(black) blpattern(dot)) (lpolyci haz06 chage if ch_male==1, clcolor(black) clpattern(dash)), ytitle(Predicted HAZ scores) ytitle(, margin(medsmall)) xtitle(Child's age (months)) xtitle(, margin(medsmall)) legend(on cols(2)) *check distribution of age twoway (kdensity chage if year==2001) (kdensity chage if year==2011) *CONSTRUCTING INDICATORS AND EXAMINING RELATIONSHIPS WITH HAZ SCORES *SOME OF THE REUSLTS BELOW ARE REPORTED IN SUPPLEMENTS S1 TEXT AND S2 TEXT *CONSTRUCTING ASSETS for Supplement S1. Text tabstat electr radio tv bike better basic_floo, by(year) *lack of data for 2001, so we construct a parsimonious wealth index and a richer one *short list as follows for 2001, 2006 and 20 pca electr radio tv bike better basic_floo predict wealth6comp, score *now long list for 2006 and 2011 only pca electr radio tv bike better basic_floor fridge mot_bike car predict wealth9comp, score *now very long list for 2011 only pca electr radio tv bike better basic_floo fridge mot_bike car table chair bed sofa cupboard computer clock fan dhiki predict wealth18comp, score *now 5 items without electricity pca radio tv bike better basic_floo predict wealth5comp, score *now 4 item index that includes 1996 pca electr radio tv bike predict wealth4comp, score summ wealth4comp gen asset4ind10hat=(wealth4comp+1.25) summ asset4ind10hat gen asset4ind10= asset4ind10hat*10/4.33 summ asset4ind10 *associations between 2 indices pwcorr haz wealth6comp wealth9comp wealth18comp wealth5comp elec pwcorr haz electr radio tv bike better basic_floor twoway (scatter wealth6comp wealth9comp) twoway (lpolyci wealth9comp wealth6comp), ytitle(Asset index scores - 9 variables) ytitle(, margin(medsmall)) /* */ xtitle(Asset index scores - 6 variables) xtitle(, margin(medsmall)) legend(off) graphregion(fcolor(white)) plotregion(fcolor(white)) twoway (lpolyci wealth18comp wealth6comp), ytitle(Asset index scores - 18 variables) ytitle(, margin(medsmall)) /* */ xtitle(Asset index scores - 6 variables) xtitle(, margin(medsmall)) legend(off) graphregion(fcolor(white)) plotregion(fcolor(white)) twoway (lpolyci wealth6comp wealth9comp) twoway (scatter wealth5comp wealth9comp) twoway (lpolyci wealth5comp wealth9comp) *trends tabstat wealth6comp wealth9comp wealth5comp elec, by(year) tabstat electr radio tv bike better basic_floor, by(year) *haz associations twoway (lpolyci haz wealth5comp) (lpolyci haz wealth6comp) twoway (lpolyci haz wealth6comp) (lpolyci haz wealth9comp) twoway (lpoly haz wealth6comp) (lpoly haz wealth9comp) twoway (lpoly haz assetind10 if year==2001) (lpoly haz assetind10 if year==2006) (lpoly haz assetind10 if year==2011) *so more parsimonious 6-indicator index seems to perform quite well *it doesn't seem powerful enough to pick up wealth differences among wealthier classes *but performs reasonably well for the rest of the population *only caveat may be electricity, which increased more quickly than other assets *now re-scale to vary between 1 and 10 *called asset index twoway (lpolyci haz assetind10), ytitle(Predicted HAZ scores) ytitle(, margin(medsmall)) /* */ xtitle(Asset index (1-10)) xtitle(, margin(medsmall)) legend(off) graphregion(fcolor(white)) plotregion(fcolor(white)) graph save Graph "D:\Users\dheadey\Documents\Economics\nutrition\LANSA & TRANSFORM\Nepal DHS study\stata regs\graphs\asset index and haz.gph" *now by rural and urban twoway (lpolyci haz assetind10 if urban==0) (lpolyci haz assetind10 if urban==1), ytitle(Predicted HAZ scores) ytitle(, margin(medsmall)) /* */ xtitle(Asset index (1-10)) xtitle(, margin(medsmall)) legend(off) graphregion(fcolor(white)) plotregion(fcolor(white)) *let's look at electricity a bit more tabstat wealth5comp if year==2001, by(elec) tabstat wealth5comp if year==2006, by(elec) tabstat wealth5comp if year==2011, by(elec) *EDUCATION corr mom_yrschool hus_yrschool wealth6comp wealth9comp twoway (lpolyci haz mom_yrschool) (lpolyci haz hus_yrschool) twoway (lpoly haz mom_yrschool if year==2001) (lpoly haz mom_yrschool if year==2006) (lpoly haz mom_yrschool if year==2011) twoway (lpolyci haz mom_yrschool, clcolor(black) clpattern(solid) fcolor(white) blcolor(black) blpattern(dot)) (lpolyci haz hus_yrschool, clcolor(gs10) fcolor(none) blpattern(dash)), ytitle(Predicted HAZ scores) ytitle(, margin(medsmall)) xtitle(Parental education (years)) xtitle(, margin(medsmall)) legend(on cols(2)) graphregion(fcolor(white)) plotregion(fcolor(white)) twoway (lpolyci haz mom_yrschool), ytitle(Predicted HAZ scores) ytitle(, margin(medsmall)) xtitle(Maternal education (years)) xtitle(, margin(medsmall)) legend(on cols(2)) graphregion(fcolor(white)) plotregion(fcolor(white)) twoway (lpolyci haz mom_yrschool), ytitle(Predicted HAZ scores) ytitle(, margin(medsmall)) xtitle(Paternal education (years)) xtitle(, margin(medsmall)) legend(on cols(2)) graphregion(fcolor(white)) plotregion(fcolor(white)) *HEALTH & NUTRITION INTERVENTIONS (some of these reported in Supplement S2 Text) tabstat ant_visit n_antenat anc4plus iron_supp tetanus bloodpres bloodwork urinetest postnatal birth_hosp asst_doctor asst_midwife allvaccin7plus vit_a gaveors zinc diarrhea p_fever p_cough, by(year) *now check asset index associations with health outcomes over time summ anc4plus birth_hosp allvaccin7plus if assetind10<0.5 & year==2001 summ anc4plus birth_hosp allvaccin7plus if assetind10>0.5 & assetind10<2.2 & year==2001 summ anc4plus birth_hosp allvaccin7plus if assetind10>2.2 & assetind10<5 & year==2001 summ anc4plus birth_hosp allvaccin7plus if assetind10>5 & year==2001 summ anc4plus birth_hosp allvaccin7plus if assetind10<0.5 & year==2011 summ anc4plus birth_hosp allvaccin7plus if assetind10>0.5 & assetind10<2.2 & year==2011 summ anc4plus birth_hosp allvaccin7plus if assetind10>2.2 & assetind10<5 & year==2011 summ anc4plus birth_hosp allvaccin7plus if assetind10>5 & year==2011 pwcorr n_antenat postnatal allvaccin7plus birth_hosp asst_doctor asst_midwife iron_supp tetanus vit_a twoway (lpolyci haz n_antenat) *obviously declining returns to ANC visits, or more ANC visits sometimes associated with complications *so we cap ANC visits at 8 visits (1 per month, essentially), and all it numanc twoway (lpolyci haz numanc), ytitle(Predicted HAZ scores) ytitle(, margin(medsmall)) /* */ xtitle(Number of antenatal visits) xtitle(, margin(medsmall)) legend(off) graphregion(fcolor(white)) plotregion(fcolor(white)) graph save Graph "D:\Users\dheadey\Documents\Economics\nutrition\LANSA & TRANSFORM\Nepal DHS study\stata regs\graphs\antenatal visits and haz.gph", replace *gen vaccine variable that is interacted with child age gen chage7mplus=chage>7 gen allvaccin7plus=allvaccin*chage7mplus gen allvaccin7plusage=allvaccin7plus*chage gen allvaccin7plusagesq=allvaccin7plus*chage_sq *create anc=4 gen anc4plus=n_antenat>3 *experiment with health index tabstat antenat_1st n_antenat iron_supp tetanus bloodpres bloodwork urinetest, by(year) pca antenat_1st numanc iron_supp bloodpres bloodwork urinetest twoway (lpolyci haz chage if allvaccin==1) (lpolyci haz chage if allvaccin==0) *we decide to use antenatal and neonatal care/visits *note that iron supplementation is highly correlated with ANC, so we omit it. *vit A and tetanus not really expected to affect growthm but also correlated with ANC visits tabstat iron_supp, by(numanc) tabstat iron_supp vit_a tetanus, by(birth_hosp) *DEMOGRAPHY tabstat border pre_interval nchild_born, by(year) hist border hist pre_interval corr border pre_birthintyrs wealth6comp mom_yrschool hus_yrschool twoway (lpolyci haz border if border<10) (lpolyci haz pre_interval if pre_interval<150) twoway (lpolyci haz pre_birthintyrs) corr haz pre_birthintyrs if pre_birthintyrs>0 corr haz pre_birthintyrs if pre_birthintyrs<7 & pre_birthintyrs>0 *the non-linearity of pre-interval as well the problem of no obs for birthorder 1 *motivates us to construct a transformed variable: for firstborns value of this variable *is set at 84. Also, all intervals longer than 84 months are also set at 84. *84 months (8 years) chosen because of non-linear relationship observed in graph above *variable is claled pre_birthintyr gen border1=border==1 gen border1pre_birthintyrs=border1*pre_birthintyrs twoway (lpolyci haz border if border<10), ytitle(Predicted HAZ scores) ytitle(, margin(medsmall)) /* */ xtitle(Birth order) xtitle(, margin(medsmall)) legend(off) graphregion(fcolor(white)) plotregion(fcolor(white)) gen bordersq=border^2 twoway (lpolyci haz pre_birthintyr), ytitle(Predicted HAZ scores) ytitle(, margin(medsmall)) /* */ xtitle(Preceding birth interval* (months)) xtitle(, margin(medsmall)) legend(off) graphregion(fcolor(white)) plotregion(fcolor(white)) twoway (lpolyci haz pre_birthintyr if year==2001) (lpolyci haz pre_birthintyr if year==2006) (lpolyci haz pre_birthintyr if year==2011) *potential multicollinearity problem for birth order *create birth order dummies gen border1=border==1 gen border2=border==2 gen border3=border==3 gen border4=border==4 gen border5=border==5 gen border6=border==6 gen border7=border==7 gen border8=border>7 drop border1-border8 *SANITATION AND WATER tabstat nolatrine pr_nolatrine pipewater empower openwell tubewell safe_water, by(year) pwcorr haz nolatrine pr_nolatrine pipewater empower openwell tubewell safe_water *household and village level "no latrine" highly correlated - use village *only tubewell and safe_water are significantly correlated with haz twoway (lpolyci haz p_nolatrine), ytitle(Predicted HAZ scores) ytitle(, margin(medsmall)) /* */ xtitle(Open defecation prevalence at village level (%)) xtitle(, margin(medsmall)) legend(off) graphregion(fcolor(white)) plotregion(fcolor(white)) graph save Graph "D:\Users\dheadey\Documents\Economics\nutrition\LANSA & TRANSFORM\Nepal DHS study\stata regs\graphs\open defecation and haz full sample.gph" *now separate for rural and urban areas twoway (lpolyci haz p_nolatrine if urban==0, clcolor(black) clpattern(solid) fcolor(white) blcolor(black) blpattern(dot)) (lpolyci haz p_nolatrine if urban==1, clcolor(gs10) fcolor(none) blpattern(dash)), ytitle(Predicted HAZ scores) ytitle(, margin(medsmall)) xtitle(Open defecation prevalence at village level (%)) xtitle(, margin(medsmall)) legend(on cols(2)) graphregion(fcolor(white)) plotregion(fcolor(white)) twoway (lpolyci mom_bmi pr_nolatrine), ytitle(Predicted maternal BMI) ytitle(, margin(medsmall)) /* */ xtitle(Open defecation prevalence at village level (%)) xtitle(, margin(medsmall)) legend(off) graphregion(fcolor(white)) plotregion(fcolor(white)) twoway (lpolyci mom_bmi pr_nolatrine) gen sdistyear=sdist*year by sdistyear, sort: egen distnolatrine=mean(nolatrine) by sdistyear, sort: egen distmom_bmi=mean(mom_bmi) by sdistyear, sort: egen distlowbmi=mean(lowbmi) reg distlowbmi distnolatrine twoway (lpolyci stunt p_nolatrine) (lpolyci lowbmi p_nolatrine), ytitle(Predicted stunting or low BMI) ytitle(, margin(medsmall)) *BMI twoway (lpolyci lowbmi p_nolatrine if urban==0, clcolor(black) clpattern(solid) fcolor(white) blcolor(black) blpattern(dot)) (lpolyci lowbmi p_nolatrine if urban==1, clcolor(gs10) fcolor(none) blpattern(dash)), ytitle(Predicted low BMI prevalence) ytitle(, margin(medsmall)) xtitle(Open defecation prevalence at village level (%)) xtitle(, margin(medsmall)) legend(on cols(2)) graphregion(fcolor(white)) plotregion(fcolor(white)) *MATERNAL EMPOWERMENT & MEDIA EXPOSURE tabstat newspaper lis_radio watch_tv health_care purchase visit_relat, by(year) pwcorr haz newspaper lis_radio watch_tv health_care purchase visit_relat gen empowerind=0.333*health_care+0.333*purchase+0.333*visit_relat summ empower tabstat empower, by(year) twoway (lpolyci haz empower) pwcorr health_care purchase visit_relat empower mom_yrschool asset *so some improvement in empowerment but no storng link to HAZ scores pwcorr newspaper lis_radio watch_tv mom_yrschool radio tv gen radiotv=lis_radio==1 | watch_tv==1 *MATERNAL NUTRITION AND AGE tabstat mom_height mom_bmi lowbmi, by(year) hist mom_height hist mom_bmi hist mom_age twoway (lpolyci haz mom_height if mom_height<175 & mom_height>130), ytitle(Predicted HAZ scores) ytitle(, margin(medsmall)) /* */ xtitle(Maternal height (cm)) xtitle(, margin(medsmall)) legend(off) graphregion(fcolor(white)) plotregion(fcolor(white)) graph save Graph "D:\Users\dheadey\Documents\Economics\nutrition\LANSA & TRANSFORM\Nepal DHS study\stata regs\graphs\matenral height and haz full sample.gph" twoway (lpolyci haz mom_bmi if mom_bmi<35), ytitle(Predicted HAZ scores) ytitle(, margin(medsmall)) /* */ xtitle(Maternal BMI) xtitle(, margin(medsmall)) legend(off) graphregion(fcolor(white)) plotregion(fcolor(white)) twoway (lpolyci haz mom_age), ytitle(Predicted HAZ scores) ytitle(, margin(medsmall)) /* */ xtitle(Maternal age) xtitle(, margin(medsmall)) legend(off) graphregion(fcolor(white)) plotregion(fcolor(white)) gen agemom1519=mom_age<20 gen agemom2=mom_age>19 & mom_age<25 gen agemom3=mom_age>24 & mom_age<30 gen agemom4=mom_age>29 & mom_age<35 gen agemom5=mom_age>34 & mom_age<40 gen agemom6=mom_age>39 & mom_age<45 gen agemom7=mom_age>44 gen logmom_height=log(mom_height) gen logmom_bmi=log(mom_bmi) twoway (lpolyci haz logmom_height) twoway (lpolyci haz logmom_bmi) *CARE FACTORS *feeding patterns for children 0-6 months tabstat breastfeeding oth_milk oth_liquid solidfood if chage<6 & year>1996, by(year) *feeding patterns tabstat solidfood n_solidfood if chage>5 & chage<10 & year>1996, by(year) tabstat solidfood n_solidfood if chage<25, by(year) twoway (lpolyci breastfeeding chage if year==2001 & chage<25) (lpolyci breastfeeding chage if year==2011 & chage<25) twoway (lpolyci solidfood chage if year==2001 & chage<25) (lpolyci solidfood chage if year==2011 & chage<25) twoway (lpolyci n_solidfood chage if year==2001 & chage<25) (lpolyci n_solidfood chage if year==2011 & chage<25) twoway (lpolyci n_solidfood chage if year==2001 & chage<24 & d_young==1, clcolor(black) clpattern(solid) blcolor(black)) (lpolyci n_solidfood chage if year==2011 & chage<24 & d_young==1, clcolor(gs10) ), ytitle(Times ate solid food yesterday) ytitle(, margin(medsmall)) xtitle(Child age (months)) xtitle(, margin(medsmall)) legend(on cols(2)) graphregion(fcolor(white)) plotregion(fcolor(white)) twoway (lpolyci dietdiv1 chage if year==2001 & chage<25) (lpolyci dietdiv1 chage if year==2011 & chage<25) pwcorr dietdiv1 dietdiv7 momdietdiv1 tabstat dietdiv1 solidfood n_solidfood if chage>6 & chage<24, by(year) reg dietdiv1 assetind10 mom_yrschool hus_yrschool empower agemom1-agemom2 agemom4-agemom7 /* */ chhetri magar yadav tamang tharu newar buddhist muslim year2006 year2011 /* */ urban eastern western mid_west far_west mountain hill month1-month24 if chage<25 reg dietdiv1 assetind10 mom_yrschool hus_yrschool empower lis_radio watch_tv agemom1-agemom2 agemom4-agemom7 /* */ chhetri magar yadav tamang tharu newar buddhist muslim year2006 year2011 /* */ urban eastern western mid_west far_west mountain hill month1-month24 if chage<25 *************************************************************************************** *check age profile (at request of reviewer) svy: mean haz06 chage, over(year) svy: mean haz06 chage if chage<25, over(year) svy: mean haz06 chage if chage>12 & chage<25, over(year) *check how much difference adding age dummies makes to year2011 coefficient eststo: reg haz06 year2006 year2011 if year>2000 eststo: reg haz06 month* year2006 year2011 if year>2000 eststo: reg stunt year2006 year2011 if year>2000 eststo: reg stunt month* year2006 year2011 if year>2000 eststo: reg stuntedsev year2006 year2011 if year>2000 eststo: reg stuntedsev month* year2006 year2011 if year>2000 eststo: dprobit stuntedsev year2006 year2011 if year>2000 eststo: dprobit stuntedsev month* year2006 year2011 if year>2000 estout using "D:\Users\dheadey\Documents\Economics\nutrition\LANSA & TRANSFORM & SOC\Nepal DHS study\stata regs\reg table - age distribution check.xls", replace /* */ cells(b(star fmt(%9.3f)) se) stats(r2 N, fmt(%9.3f %9.0g) labels(R-squared)) /* */ starlevels(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) eststo clear *Table 2 svy: mean haz06 stunt stuntedsev asset4ind10 assetind10 mom_yrschool hus_yrschool /* */ anc4plus iron birth_hosp allvaccin7plus border pre_birthintyr /* */ pr_nolatrine tubewell pipewater empower mom_height,over(year) *young children: 0-24 svy: mean haz06 stunt stuntedsev asset4ind10 assetind10 mom_yrschool hus_yrschool /* */ anc4plus iron birth_hosp allvaccin7plus border pre_birthintyr /* */ pr_nolatrine tubewell pipewater empower mom_height if chage<25 & year!=2006,over(year) *younger children: 0-12 svy: mean haz06 stunt stuntedsev asset4ind10 assetind10 mom_yrschool hus_yrschool /* */ anc4plus iron birth_hosp allvaccin7plus border pre_birthintyr /* */ pr_nolatrine tubewell pipewater empower mom_height if chage<13 & year!=2006,over(year) *had to drop birth order - it suffered from multicollinearity (R-sq of 0.73), mainly due to birth interval tabstat haz assetind10 mom_yrschool hus_yrschool /* */ numanc birth_hosp allvaccin7plus pre_birthintyrs /* */ pr_nolatrine mom_height , by(year) stat(N) ********************************************************* *PREFERED SET OF REGRESSIONS centile mom_bmi, centile(25 50 75) centile haz, centile(25 50 75) *mean HAZ - OLS eststo: reg haz assetind10 mom_yrschool hus_yrschool /* */ anc4plus iron birth_hosp allvaccin7plus pre_birthintyrs /* */ pr_nolatrine tubewell pipewater empower mom_height agemom1-agemom2 agemom4-agemom7 /* */ border1 border2 border3 border4 border5 border6 border7 /* */ chhetri magar yadav tamang tharu newar buddhist muslim /* */ popdensity urban year2001 year2006 year2011 westernmountain westernhill easternmountain easternhill /* */ mid_westmountain mid_westhill mid_westhill far_westmountain far_westhill month1-month59 if zscore_flag==0, vce(cluster villageyear) *stunting eststo: quiet reg stunt assetind10 mom_yrschool hus_yrschool /* */ anc4plus iron birth_hosp allvaccin7plus pre_birthintyrs /* */ pr_nolatrine tubewell pipewater empower mom_height agemom1-agemom2 agemom4-agemom7 /* */ border1 border2 border3 border4 border5 border6 border7 /* */ chhetri magar yadav tamang tharu newar buddhist muslim /* */ popdensity urban year2001 year2006 year2011 westernmountain westernhill easternmountain easternhill /* */ mid_westmountain mid_westhill mid_westhill far_westmountain far_westhill month1-month59 if zscore_flag==0, vce(cluster villageyear) *severe stunting eststo: quiet reg stuntedsevere assetind10 mom_yrschool hus_yrschool /* */ anc4plus iron birth_hosp allvaccin7plus pre_birthintyrs /* */ pr_nolatrine tubewell pipewater empower mom_height agemom1-agemom2 agemom4-agemom7 /* */ border1 border2 border3 border4 border5 border6 border7 /* */ chhetri magar yadav tamang tharu newar buddhist muslim /* */ popdensity urban year2001 year2006 year2011 westernmountain westernhill easternmountain easternhill /* */ mid_westmountain mid_westhill mid_westhill far_westmountain far_westhill month1-month59 if zscore_flag==0, vce(cluster villageyear) *now Oaxaca-Blinder decompositions set matsize 5000 oaxaca haz assetind10 mom_yrschool hus_yrschool /* */ numanc birth_hosp allvaccin7plus pre_birthintyrs /* */ pr_nolatrine tubewell pipewater empower mom_height agemom1-agemom2 agemom4-agemom7 /* */ border1 border2 border3 border4 border5 border6 border7 /* */ chhetri magar yadav tamang tharu newar buddhist muslim /* */ popdensity urban westernhill easternmountain easternhill /* */ mid_westmountain mid_westhill far_westmountain far_westhill month1-month59 /* */ if year==2001 | year==2011, noisily by(year) detail oaxaca lowbmi assetind10 mom_yrschool hus_yrschool /* */ pr_nolatrine tubewell pipewater empower mom_height agemom1-agemom2 agemom4-agemom7 /* */ border1 border2 border3 border4 border5 border6 border7 /* */ chhetri magar yadav tamang tharu newar buddhist muslim /* */ popdensity urban westernhill easternmountain easternhill /* */ mid_westmountain mid_westhill far_westmountain far_westhill month1-month59 /* */ if year==2001 | year==2011, noisily by(year) detail *now quantile regs of robustness for Supplement S3 Text *qreg median eststo: quiet qreg haz assetind10 mom_yrschool hus_yrschool /* */ numanc iron birth_hosp allvaccin7plus pre_birthintyrs /* */ pr_nolatrine tubewell pipewater empower mom_height agemom1-agemom2 agemom4-agemom7 /* */ border1 border2 border3 border4 border5 border6 border7 /* */ chhetri magar yadav tamang tharu newar buddhist muslim /* */ popdensity urban year2001 year2006 year2011 westernmountain westernhill easternmountain easternhill /* */ mid_westmountain mid_westhill mid_westhill far_westmountain far_westhill month1-month59 if zscore_flag==0 *qreg 25th percentile eststo: quiet qreg haz assetind10 mom_yrschool hus_yrschool /* */ numanc iron birth_hosp allvaccin7plus pre_birthintyrs /* */ pr_nolatrine tubewell pipewater empower mom_height agemom1-agemom2 agemom4-agemom7 /* */ border1 border2 border3 border4 border5 border6 border7 /* */ chhetri magar yadav tamang tharu newar buddhist muslim /* */ popdensity urban year2001 year2006 year2011 westernmountain westernhill easternmountain easternhill /* */ mid_westmountain mid_westhill mid_westhill far_westmountain far_westhill month1-month59 if zscore_flag==0, q(0.25) estout using "D:\Users\dheadey\Documents\Economics\nutrition\LANSA & TRANSFORM\Nepal DHS study\stata regs\reg table 15 - preferred set.xls", replace /* */ cells(b(star fmt(%9.3f)) se) stats(r2 N, fmt(%9.3f %9.0g) labels(R-squared)) /* */ starlevels(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) eststo clear *now district fixed effects for Supplement S3 Text eststo ch_haz_1: quietly reg haz assetind10 mom_yrschool hus_yrschool /* */ anc4plus iron birth_hosp allvaccin7plus pre_birthintyrs /* */ pr_nolatrine tubewell pipewater empower mom_height agemom1-agemom2 agemom4-agemom7 /* */ feb_mar mar_apr apr_may may_jun jun_jul jul_aug aug_sep sep_oct oct_nov nov_dec dec_jan /* */ chhetri magar yadav tamang tharu newar buddhist muslim /* */ urban year2001 year2006 year2011 urban2001 urban2006 urban2011 month1-month59 sdist2-sdist75 if zscore_flag==0, vce(cluster villageyear) eststo ch_haz_2: quietly reg stunt assetind10 mom_yrschool hus_yrschool /* */ anc4plus iron birth_hosp allvaccin7plus pre_birthintyrs /* */ pr_nolatrine tubewell pipewater empower mom_height agemom1-agemom2 agemom4-agemom7 /* */ feb_mar mar_apr apr_may may_jun jun_jul jul_aug aug_sep sep_oct oct_nov nov_dec dec_jan /* */ chhetri magar yadav tamang tharu newar buddhist muslim /* */ urban year2001 year2006 year2011 urban2001 urban2006 urban2011 month1-month59 sdist2-sdist75 if zscore_flag==0, vce(cluster villageyear) eststo ch_haz_3: quietly reg stuntedsev assetind10 mom_yrschool hus_yrschool /* */ anc4plus iron birth_hosp allvaccin7plus pre_birthintyrs /* */ pr_nolatrine tubewell pipewater empower mom_height agemom1-agemom2 agemom4-agemom7 /* */ feb_mar mar_apr apr_may may_jun jun_jul jul_aug aug_sep sep_oct oct_nov nov_dec dec_jan /* */ chhetri magar yadav tamang tharu newar buddhist muslim /* */ urban year2001 year2006 year2011 urban2001 urban2006 urban2011 month1-month59 sdist2-sdist75 if zscore_flag==0, vce(cluster villageyear) eststo ch_haz_4: quietly reg bornsmallsize assetind10 mom_yrschool hus_yrschool /* */ anc4plus iron birth_hosp pre_birthintyrs /* */ pr_nolatrine tubewell pipewater empower mom_height agemom1-agemom2 agemom4-agemom7 /* */ feb_mar mar_apr apr_may may_jun jun_jul jul_aug aug_sep sep_oct oct_nov nov_dec dec_jan /* */ chhetri magar yadav tamang tharu newar buddhist muslim /* */ urban year2001 year2006 year2011 urban2001 urban2006 urban2011 month1-month59 sdist2-sdist75 if zscore_flag==0, vce(cluster villageyear) eststo ch_haz_5: quietly reg lowbmi stuntedsev assetind10 mom_yrschool hus_yrschool /* */ anc4plus iron birth_hosp pre_birthintyrs pr_nolatrine tubewell pipewater empower mom_height agemom1-agemom2 agemom4-agemom7 /* */ feb_mar mar_apr apr_may may_jun jun_jul jul_aug aug_sep sep_oct oct_nov nov_dec dec_jan /* */ chhetri magar yadav tamang tharu newar buddhist muslim /* */ urban year2001 year2006 year2011 urban2001 urban2006 urban2011 month1-month59 sdist2-sdist75 if zscore_flag==0, vce(cluster villageyear) estout using "D:\Users\dheadey\Documents\Economics\nutrition\LANSA & TRANSFORM\Nepal DHS study\stata regs\reg table 1.xls", replace /* */ cells(b(star fmt(%9.3f)) se) stats(r2 N, fmt(%9.3f %9.0g) labels(R-squared)) /* */ starlevels(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) eststo clear *now under 24m and under 12m for Supplement S3 Text. eststo: reg haz assetind10 mom_yrschool hus_yrschool /* */ anc4plus iron birth_hosp allvaccin7plus pre_birthintyrs /* */ pr_nolatrine tubewell pipewater empower mom_height agemom1-agemom2 agemom4-agemom7 /* */ border1 border2 border3 border4 border5 border6 border7 /* */ chhetri magar yadav tamang tharu newar buddhist muslim /* */ popdensity urban year2001 year2006 year2011 westernmountain westernhill easternmountain easternhill /* */ mid_westmountain mid_westhill mid_westhill far_westmountain far_westhill month1-month59 if zscore_flag==0 & chage<25, vce(cluster villageyear) eststo: reg haz assetind10 mom_yrschool hus_yrschool /* */ anc4plus iron birth_hosp allvaccin7plus pre_birthintyrs /* */ pr_nolatrine tubewell pipewater empower mom_height agemom1-agemom2 agemom4-agemom7 /* */ border1 border2 border3 border4 border5 border6 border7 /* */ chhetri magar yadav tamang tharu newar buddhist muslim /* */ popdensity urban year2001 year2006 year2011 westernmountain westernhill easternmountain easternhill /* */ mid_westmountain mid_westhill mid_westhill far_westmountain far_westhill month1-month59 if zscore_flag==0 & chage<13, vce(cluster villageyear) estout using "D:\Users\dheadey\Documents\Economics\nutrition\LANSA & TRANSFORM & SOC\Nepal DHS study\stata regs\reg table 17 - preferred set.xls", replace /* */ cells(b(star fmt(%9.3f)) se) stats(r2 N, fmt(%9.3f %9.0g) labels(R-squared)) /* */ starlevels(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) eststo clear **************************************************** *look at correlations by round to check stability of relationships pwcorr haz assetind10 mom_yrschool hus_yrschool /* */ anc4plus iron birth_hosp allvaccin7plus border pre_birthintyr /* */ pr_nolatrine tubewell pipewater empower empower mom_height if year==2001 & zscore_flag==0 pwcorr haz assetind10 mom_yrschool hus_yrschool /* */ anc4plus iron birth_hosp allvaccin7plus border pre_birthintyr /* */ pr_nolatrine tubewell pipewater empower empower mom_height if year==2006 & zscore_flag==0 pwcorr haz assetind10 mom_yrschool hus_yrschool /* */ anc4plus iron birth_hosp allvaccin7plus border pre_birthintyr /* */ pr_nolatrine tubewell pipewater empower empower mom_height if year==2011 & zscore_flag==0 pwcorr haz assetind10 mom_yrschool hus_yrschool /* */ anc4plus iron birth_hosp allvaccin7plus border pre_birthintyr /* */ pr_nolatrine tubewell pipewater empower empower mom_height if year>1998 & zscore_flag==0 pwcorr lowbmi assetind10 mom_yrschool hus_yrschool /* */ anc4plus iron birth_hosp allvaccin7plus border pre_birthintyr /* */ pr_nolatrine tubewell pipewater empower empower mom_height if year==2001 & zscore_flag==0 pwcorr lowbmi assetind10 mom_yrschool hus_yrschool /* */ anc4plus iron birth_hosp allvaccin7plus border pre_birthintyr /* */ pr_nolatrine tubewell pipewater empower empower mom_height if year==2006 & zscore_flag==0 pwcorr lowbmi assetind10 mom_yrschool hus_yrschool /* */ anc4plus iron birth_hosp allvaccin7plus border pre_birthintyr /* */ pr_nolatrine tubewell pipewater empower empower mom_height if year==2011 & zscore_flag==0 pwcorr lowbmi assetind10 mom_yrschool hus_yrschool /* */ anc4plus iron birth_hosp allvaccin7plus border pre_birthintyr /* */ pr_nolatrine tubewell pipewater empower empower mom_height if year>1998 & zscore_flag==0