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Stimulus Set Meaningfulness and Neurophysiological Differentiation: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study

Fig 3

Lempel-Ziv complexity of brain activity correlates with stimulus set meaningfulness—comparison to a black screen baseline.

Results shown for a representative subject (same subject as for Fig 2). For each condition, rectangles in the left column show exemplar pixels at the center of the screen of each frame, illustrating that all stimulus set present a high level of physical differentiation over time. In contrast, brain activity patterns over time are highly differentiated in the movie condition, intermediately differentiated in the scrambled movie condition, and very similar to one another in the ‘TV noise’ condition. Brain maps are here expressed in terms of significant changes in activity as compared to a black screen baseline (F-test, thresholded at whole brain FWE corrected p<0.05 for each frame). Top panel displays binarized spatio-temporal activation/deactivation matrices obtained for the 3 conditions after statistical thresholding was applied: a value of 1 was assigned to above threshold voxels for each scan, and a value of zero to voxels below threshold. For display purposes, binarized activation matrices are displayed only for the voxels that show at least once a significant activation in the movie (data dimension reduction from 94000 to ~7000 voxels). Lempel-Ziv complexity was computed at the whole brain activation matrix encompassing 94000 voxels in each condition.

Fig 3
