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Posted by Verisimilus on 23 May 2007 at 11:18 GMT


Is it possible to quantify "many" beyond providing a couple of examples?

RE: Many?

philspear replied to Verisimilus on 26 May 2007 at 06:38 GMT

There were many instances of the word "many," (actually about three) which one were you talking about? Quantification of the ones I saw would seem trivial to me. Many when referring to the number of fungi that make melanin, maybe, but it doesn't seem essential.

RE: RE: Many?

philspear replied to philspear on 26 May 2007 at 06:48 GMT

Sorry for the double post...

Its something that is probably broad knowledge in microbiology, and easily acessible to those interested. Might have been nice to include.

The bigger implication here to me is that this might be a property of melanin itself rather than the fungi with melanin. I don't care how many fungi make melanin. I just want to know if I could get a tan, stand in ionizing radiation and not have to eat.