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Why do not cite criticism? "All the mentioned crucial questions for plate tectonics are still unsolved"

Posted by Evgeny_M on 08 Aug 2015 at 05:07 GMT

Жирнов, А. М.
Мифы мобилизма и реальная тектоника [Текст] = Mobilistic myth vs. real tectonics / А. М. Жирнов ; Институт комплексного анализа региональных проблем ДВО РАН (Биробиджан) // Отечеств. геология. - 2011. - № 2. - С. 87-94 : ил. - Библиогр.: 28 назв . - ISSN 0869-7175

see also


among many others for future refs.

In Summary:

"All the mentioned crucial questions for plate tectonics are still unsolved"

Ioganson L. The 1977 Beloussov letter to Khain // NCGY Journal. 2014. Vol. 2. N 3. P. 3-6.


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