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I am a misophonia sufferer

Posted by Sommer45 on 20 Jul 2013 at 23:15 GMT

This is an excellent article and describes the condition I have. I know exactly where the onset happened with me. My mother makes terrible noises when eating as in smacking her lips and chewing her food loudly. She also drinks fizzy pop very quickly and belches after glugging the drink down, clearly taking in a lot of air and then a series of belches follows. I never understood why I felt such anger around this until I was in my early 40s and I stayed with her. I can clearly remember this as a child, the feeling when she was eating. I also went to college with a girl who had appalling eating habits and can remember the intense feeling of anger when she ate lunch with me. My mother still to this day makes disgusting noises when she eats and her breathing while eating is heavy and I cover my ears and bury my head. It takes all my resolve not to explode. It's so intense my anger that I stop myself from eating with her so I don't have to listen to it but then I find myself watching her eat and it angers me even more.

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