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Some interesting "things" and facts. (3)

Posted by Padre on 23 Aug 2012 at 14:36 GMT

WHO page: Obesity and overweight
Fact sheet N°311
May 2012
From this site:

"How can overweight and obesity be reduced?
At the individual level, people can:
limit energy intake from total fats;
increase consumption of fruit and vegetables, as well as legumes, whole grains and nuts;
limit the intake of sugars;
engage in regular physical activity;
achieve energy balance and a healthy weight....."

They omitted the most important one! This though: the radical reduction of salt intake!

And from this site too:

"The food industry can play a significant role in promoting healthy diets by:
reducing the fat, sugar and salt content of processed foods; ensuring that healthy and nutritious choices are...."

The most important one - the salt reduction - here only tertiary task.

On this site, it is not written down, that the first reason of the fatness: is the high salt (sodium) intake!
The salt (the high sodium intake) is a deceitfully strong appetizer.
Achieves his extraordinary effect by turbo mode (floor gas!) of the Na/K pump. Cuts the energy. Consequently, generates a strong and long term hunger (nutritional) stimulus. Because of this, we swallow more calories (unnecessary surplus calories),
as we can burn it. And we drink after, many sugary drinks. This is a unnecessary surplus calorie too. We get fat!

This WHO Fact sheet (N°311) is very, very wrong!

No competing interests declared.