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Bedside Recognizing Lung Cancer Inherited Real Risk rather than IL-12 treatment.

Posted by Stagnaro on 02 Jul 2009 at 20:40 GMT

in my opinion, ascertaining 26 gene mutation aiming to recognize individuals “possibly” at risk of lung cancer is expensive and impossible on vast scale! I am a clinician, therefore I cannot speak of mice lung cancer treatment with IL-12! Our pivotal goal in reducing lung cancer incidence and ... mortality, is bedside Diagnosing in humans Lung Cancer INHERITED Real Risk, from initial Stage.
Fortunately, overlooked Baserga’sign, I described in earlier article (1), proved to be useful in bed-side recognizing iron-deficiency syndrome. In fact, due to iron deficiency, erythropoietin can not stimulate bone-marrow, as it happens in healthy subject, originating the "classic" biophysical semeiotic Baserga’s sign. In a few words, in health, lying down in supine position, psycho-physically relaxed with open eyes to prevent melatonin secretion, mean-intense digital pressure applied upon middle line of sternal body, brings about gastric aspecific reflex after a latency time of exact 10 sec., indicating that bone-marrow activity is normal, according to my Angiopathy theory (1-4).
On the contrary, after stimulation of renal erythropoietin secretion by pinching lateral abdominal skin lasting 15-20 sec., the second evaluation shows a statistically significant lowered latency time: 6 sec. precisely, due to bone-marrow increased microcirculatory activity. Notoriously, exclusively in presence of normal iron tissue level, endogenous erythropoietin can act on bone marrow. In fact, in iron deficiency syndrome, the lowering of sternum-gastric aspecific reflex, i.e., Retyculo-Endothelial System Hyperfunction Syndrome (RESH) (2, 3), is clearly compromised, in inverse relation to the seriousness of underlying iron deficiency
Interestingly, in lung cancer (e.g. adenocarcinoma), I observed a “variant” form of the Baserga’sign. Really, as hypothesis 0, I suspected that stimulating cutaneous pulmonary trigger-points, related to lung cancer even in the initial stage of Cancer, i.e., Inherited Oncological Real Risk (1-6) by digital pressure, could provoke the output of tumour cell products, which in turn stimulate bone-marrow, at the moment partially suppressed in its function. According to Max Born, a new theory must be “mad” enough to be true.
In health, mean-intense digital pressure, applied on skin projection area of diverse lung lobes (= stimulation of pulmonary trigger-points), brings about gastric aspecific reflex after exactly 8 sec. latency time (lt), and the basal latency time of Rethiculo-Endothelial System Hyperfunction Syndrome (2-6) persists identical, under the same condition, when the stimulation of lung trigger-points lasts about 15-20 sec. In fact, the lt of sternum-aspecific gastric reflex, i.e., RESH (= mean-intense digital pressure applied upon the middle line of sternal body, and/or iliac crests) persists identical to the basal one: lt 10 sec., also after stimulating the trigger-points of healthy lung for about 15-20 sec., indicating absence of erytropoietin-like substance secretion from lung (or every biological system, of course).
On the contrary, in case of lung cancer “inherited real risk” (6, 7) and overt lung cancer, of course, under the same condition (= mean-intense digital pressure, applied precisely on disorder cutaneous projection area, lasting 15-20 sec.), one observes a significant reduction of RESH lt, lowering from 10 sec. to 6 sec., in relation to the seriousness of underlying disorder. In addition, in presence of lung cancer “inherited real risk”, characterized by the presence of newborn-pathological, type I, subtype a), oncological, Endoarteriolar Blocking Devices (6, 7), interestingly, basal lt. of lung-aspecific gastric reflex may result normal (i.e., 8 sec.), but reflex duration is pathologically more than 4 sec. (NN lower than 4 sec.: parameter value of paramount diagnostic importance, correlated with local Microcirculatory Functional Reserve), and finally follows the pathological tonic Gastric Contraction, absent under physiological conditions, and typical of oncological disease.
In presence of overt lung cancer, even in initial stage, latency time of lung-gastric aspecific reflex lowers significantly (NN = 8 sec.), reflex duration is increased (more than 4 sec.), followed, without delay, by “pathological” tonic Gastric Contraction (tGC)
I suggest such as biophysical-semeiotic signs as worthy of attention, although further investigations are necessary. In fact, what referred represents, so I think, a paramount clinical tool in lung cancer primary prevention as well as in the war against pulmonary malignancy.
While lung carcinoma causes patient's death, all authors are agree with, ther'is well based hope that Inherite Real Risk of lung cancer may be successfully treated, as it happens under similar pathological conditions (e.g., breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, a.s.o.) treated with proper, mediterranean diet, Coniugated-Melatonin, personalized applications of LLLT.
In conclusion, also regarding lung cancer, Primary Prevention Prevention is far better than therapy, even with IL-12, as my well established CLINICAL experience demonstrates.


1) Stagnaro S. Segno di Baserga: diagnosi clinica semeiotico-biofisica della carenza di ferro mediante valutazione dell’attività midollare dell’eritropoietina endogena. www.semeioticabiofisica.i... URL: http://www.semeioticabiof...
2) Stagnaro S., Sindrome percusso-ascoltatoria di Iperfunzione del Sistema Reticolo-Istiocitario. Min. Med. 74, 479, 1983 (Medline)
3) Stagnaro-Neri M., Stagnaro S., Appendicite. Min. Med. 87, 183, 1996 (Medline)
4) Stagnaro-Neri M., Stagnaro S., Semeiotica Biofisica del torace, della circolazione ematica e dell’anticorpopoiesi acuta e cronica. Acta Med. Medit. 13, 25, 1997.
5) Stagnaro-Neri M., Stagnaro S. Introduzione alla Semeiotica Biofisica. Il Terreno Oncologico. Travel Factory, Roma, 2004. http://www.travelfactory.....
6) Stagnaro S. Reale Rischio Semeiotico-Biofisico. Ruolo diagnostico e patogenetico dei Dispositivi Endoarteriolari di Blocco neoformati-patologici tipo I, a) e b). Ed. Travel Factory, Rome,, in press: July 2009.

No competing interests declared.