WT Line 9 Line 17 Line 23 Rep1 Rep2 Rep1 Rep2 Rep1 Rep2 Rep1 Rep2 Day 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Day 3 0.0000 0.0000 0.0909 0.0123 0.1266 0.1753 0.0256 0.0103 Day 7 0.0686 0.0309 0.2424 0.1481 0.4937 0.5361 0.1410 0.1031 Day 10 0.1569 0.1552 0.3485 0.2813 0.7595 0.6186 0.2949 0.2321 Day 14 0.2667 0.3077 0.6061 0.4286 0.8219 0.8400 0.5156 0.6667 Two-way RM ANOVA Matching by cols Source of Variation % of total variation P value Interaction 11.21 < 0.0001 Time 63.26 < 0.0001 Transgenic Line 23.48 0.0015 Subjects (matching) 0.6784 0.1475 Source of Variation P value summary Significant? Interaction *** Yes Time *** Yes Transgenic Line ** Yes Subjects (matching) ns No Source of Variation Df Sum-of-squares Mean square F Interaction 12 0.2918 0.02432 10.86 Time 4 1.647 0.4116 183.8 Transgenic Line 3 0.6111 0.2037 46.14 Subjects (matching) 4 0.01766 0.004415 1.972 Residual 16 0.03583 0.002239 Number of missing values 0 Bonferroni posttests WT vs Line 9 Transgenic Line WT Line 9 Difference 95% CI of diff. Day 0 0 0 0 -0.1722 to 0.1722 Day 3 0 0.05163 0.05163 -0.1206 to 0.2239 Day 7 0.04978 0.1953 0.1455 -0.02673 to 0.3177 Day 10 0.156 0.3149 0.1589 -0.01339 to 0.3311 Day 14 0.2872 0.5173 0.2301 0.05790 to 0.4024 Transgenic Line Difference t P value Summary Day 0 0 0 P > 0.05 ns Day 3 0.05163 0.9983 P > 0.05 ns Day 7 0.1455 2.814 P > 0.05 ns Day 10 0.1589 3.072 P < 0.05 * Day 14 0.2301 4.45 P<0.01 ** WT vs Line 17 Transgenic Line WT Line 17 Difference 95% CI of diff. Day 0 0 0 0 -0.1722 to 0.1722 Day 3 0 0.1509 0.1509 -0.02132 to 0.3232 Day 7 0.04978 0.5149 0.4651 0.2929 to 0.6373 Day 10 0.156 0.689 0.533 0.3608 to 0.7052 Day 14 0.2872 0.831 0.5438 0.3715 to 0.7160 Transgenic Line Difference t P value Summary Day 0 0 0 P > 0.05 ns Day 3 0.1509 2.918 P < 0.05 * Day 7 0.4651 8.994 P<0.001 *** Day 10 0.533 10.31 P<0.001 *** Day 14 0.5438 10.52 P<0.001 *** WT vs Line 23 Transgenic Line WT Line 23 Difference 95% CI of diff. Day 0 0 0 0 -0.1722 to 0.1722 Day 3 0 0.01798 0.01798 -0.1543 to 0.1902 Day 7 0.04978 0.1221 0.07228 -0.09996 to 0.2445 Day 10 0.156 0.2635 0.1075 -0.06475 to 0.2797 Day 14 0.2872 0.5911 0.304 0.1317 to 0.4762 Transgenic Line Difference t P value Summary Day 0 0 0 P > 0.05 ns Day 3 0.01798 0.3476 P > 0.05 ns Day 7 0.07228 1.398 P > 0.05 ns Day 10 0.1075 2.079 P > 0.05 ns Day 14 0.304 5.878 P<0.001 *** Narrative results Source of Variation DF Sum of Squares Mean Square Interaction 12 0.2918 0.02432 Time 4 1.647 0.4116 Transgenic Line 3 0.6111 0.2037 Subjects (matching) 4 0.01766 0.004415 Residual (Error) 16 0.03583 0.002239 Total 39 2.603 Does Time have the same effect at all values of Transgenic Line? Interaction accounts for 11.21% of the total variance. F = 10.86. DFn=12 DFd=16 The P value is <0.0001 "If there is no interaction overall, there is a less than 0.01% chance of randomly observing so much" interaction in an experiment of this size. The interaction is considered extremely significant. "Since the interaction is statistically significant, the P values that" follow for the row and column effects are difficult to interpret. Does Transgenic Line affect the result? (Are the curves different?) Transgenic Line accounts for 23.48% of the total variance (after adjusting for matching). F = 46.14. DFn=3 DFd=4 The P value = 0.0015 "If Transgenic Line has no effect overall, there is a 0.15% chance of randomly observing an" effect this big (or bigger) in an experiment of this size. The effect is considered very significant. Does Time affect the result? (Are the curves horizontal?) Time accounts for 63.26% of the total variance (after adjusting for matching). F = 183.84. DFn=4 DFd=16 The P value is <0.0001 "If Time has no effect overall, there is a less than 0.01% chance of randomly observing an" effect this big (or bigger) in an experiment of this size. The effect is considered extremely significant. Was the matching effective? F = 1.97. DFn=4 DFd=16 The P value = 0.1475 "If matching were not effective overall, there is a 15% chance of randomly observing an" effect this big (or bigger) in an experiment of this size. The effect is considered not significant.