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RNA Interference in Schistosoma mansoni Schistosomula: Selectivity, Sensitivity and Operation for Larger-Scale Screening

Figure 7

RNAi of one, or more than one, tegument-associated gene transcript is robust and selective.

Newly transformed schistosomula were incubated for 6 days with either 30 or 60 µg/ml of the indicated dsRNA depending on whether single or double transcript suppression was being attempted. RNAi was measured by qRT-PCR and data expressed relative to those following parasite exposure to schistosome-unspecific mCherry dsRNA at 60 µg/ml. For each of the targeted genes, (A) SmCB2, (B) SmAx (annexin) and (C) Sm29, the RNAi effect was selective among the pool of tegument transcripts examined and also with respect to the transcript for the gut-associated protease, SmCB1, used as a ‘tissue control’. Each sample was tested in duplicate and representative data from two experiments are shown.

Figure 7
