About the Authors

Jennifer L. Ridgeway

Affiliation Department of Health Sciences Research, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, United States of America

Timothy J. Beebe

Affiliations Department of Health Sciences Research, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, United States of America, Center for the Science of Health Care Delivery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, United States of America

Christopher G. Chute

Affiliation Department of Health Sciences Research, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, United States of America

David T. Eton

Affiliations Department of Health Sciences Research, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, United States of America, Center for the Science of Health Care Delivery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, United States of America

Lacey A. Hart

Affiliation Center for the Science of Health Care Delivery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, United States of America

Marlene H. Frost

Affiliation Department of Medical Oncology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, United States of America

Daniel Jensen

Affiliation Public Health Services, Olmsted County Public Health, Rochester, Minnesota, United States of America

Victor M. Montori

Affiliations Department of Health Sciences Research, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, United States of America, Center for the Science of Health Care Delivery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, United States of America, Department of Endocrinology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, United States of America

John G. Smith

Affiliation Center for the Science of Health Care Delivery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, United States of America

Steven A. Smith

Affiliations Department of Health Sciences Research, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, United States of America, Department of Endocrinology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, United States of America

Angelina D. Tan

Affiliation Department of Health Sciences Research, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, United States of America

Kathleen J. Yost

Affiliations Department of Health Sciences Research, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, United States of America, Center for the Science of Health Care Delivery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, United States of America

Jeanette Y. Ziegenfuss

Affiliation Data Collection Center, HealthPartners Institute for Education and Research, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America

Jeff A. Sloan


Affiliation Department of Health Sciences Research, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, United States of America

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Analyzed the data: JLR TJB DTE ADT KJY JYZ JAS. Wrote the first draft of the manuscript: JLR JAS. Contributed to the writing of the manuscript: JLR TJB CGC DTE LAH MHF DJ VMM JGS SAS ADT KJY JYZ JAS. ICMJE criteria for authorship read and met: JLR TJB CGC DTE LAH MHF DJ VMM JGS SAS ADT KJY JYZ JAS. Agree with manuscript results and conclusions: JLR TJB CGC DTE LAH MHF DJ VMM JGS SAS ADT KJY JYZ JAS.