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A Comprehensive tRNA Deletion Library Unravels the Genetic Architecture of the tRNA Pool

Figure 6

Molecular response to changes in the tRNA pool.

(A) Dendrogram created by clustering changes in gene expression for five representative deletion strains, for more information see Materials and Methods. (B) Fold change of the COS8 (YHL048W) mRNA levels in each of the five deletion strains as measured by microarrays. (C) The fold change distribution of mRNA levels as measured by microarrays, of genes composing the Proteasome pathway by the KEGG database [49], for each of the listed tRNA deletion strains. (D) mRNA Fold change of 6 representative genes from the proteasome pathway measured by RT-qPCR. Presented values are the mean of 3 biological repetitions +/− SEM. The strain colors are as in (C). If the mRNA fold change in a specific strain is significantly different from 0 (t-test) it is marked with:* (p<0.05) or ** (p<0.005). (E) The fold change distribution of mRNA levels as measured by microarrays, of genes composing the Pol III RNA Polymerase machinery module by the KEGG database, for each tRNA deletion strain. (F) mRNA Fold change of 6 representative genes from the Pol III KEGG module measured by RT-qPCR. Presented values are the mean of 3 biological repetitions +/− SEM. The strain colors are as in figure (C). If the mRNA fold change in a specific strain is significantly different from 0 (t-test) it is marked with:* (p<0.05) or ** (p<0.005). In all the sub-figures (C,D,E,F) values are plotted for the same five deletion strains: tL(GAG)G (blue), tR(CCU)J (red), tiM(CAU)C (green), tH(GUG)G1 (magenta) and tR(UCU)M2 (cyan).

Figure 6
