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Deciphering the Code for Retroviral Integration Target Site Selection

Figure 1

Visualization of association between retroviral integration sites and chromosomal markers.

(A) Construction of chromosome projection mandalas to visualize the proximity of individual proviruses to the nearest marker on the chromosome. The linear sequence of each human chromosome was linked and circularized. Proviral integration sites were located on the circle according to their position on each chromosome (empty circles) and then a marker (filled circles) was placed towards the center of the circle, at a distance from the perimeter that was equal, in log scale from 0 to 1 megabase, to the distance from the closest marker (empty boxes). Blue filled circles represent proviruses that were within 2kB from the nearest marker; red circles represent proviruses that are >2kB from the nearest marker. Examples of chromosome projection mandala for (B) MLV (Lewinski et al. 2006) versus H3K4me3, the arrow indicates the chromosomal mapping direction (C) Control versus H3K4me3 (D) MLV versus STAT1 and (E) MLV versus CpG+TSS. The number of MLV proviruses analyzed in this dataset (Lewinski et al. 2006) was 588. The F score and the percentage of proviruses within 2 kB are presented under each mandala.

Figure 1
