function ProtocolS1 %This Matlab file contains the EARM v1.0 model %and simulation routines for the figures in the manuscript %Choose which figures to run; enter 1 to run figure, 0 to omit. Fig_4A=0; Fig_4B=0; Fig_5=1; Fig_6AB=0; Fig_6C=0; Fig_6D=0; Fig_7A=0; Fig_8A=0; Fig_9ABCEF=0; Fig_9D=0; Fig_10A=0; Fig_10BCD=0; Fig_S4=0; Fig_S5=0; fignum=1; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Initial Conditions % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Non-zero initial conditions (in molecules per cell): Lsat = 6E4; % saturating level of ligand (corresponding to ~1000 ng/ml SuperKiller TRAIL) L50 = 3000; % baseline level of ligand for most experiments (corresponding to 50 ng/ml SuperKiller TRAIL) RnosiRNA= 200; % TRAIL receptor (for experiments not involving siRNA) RsiRNA = 100000; % TRAIL receptor for experiments involving siRNA; this is set higher than in non-siRNA experiments to reflect the experimentally observed sensitization caused by both targeting and non-targeting siRNA transfection, which is believed to occur at least partly through the upregulation of death receptors by an interferon pathway. flip = 1E2; % Flip pC8 = 2E4; % procaspase-8 (pro-C8) Bar = 1E3; % Bifunctional apoptosis regulator pC3 = 1E4; % procaspase-3 (pro-C3) pC6 = 1E4; % procaspase-6 (pro-C6) XIAP = 1E5; % X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein PARP = 1E6; % C3* substrate Bid = 4E4; % Bid Bcl2c = 2E4; % cytosolic Bcl-2 Bax = 1E5; % Bax Bcl2 = 2E4; % mitochondrial Bcl-2 M = 5E5; % mitochondrial binding sites for activated Bax CytoC = 5E5; % cytochrome c Smac = 1E5; % Smac pC9 = 1E5; % procaspase-9 (pro-C9) Apaf = 1E5; % Apaf-1 Lfactor=L50/50; %relationship of ligand concentration in the model (in # molecules/cell) to actual TRAIL concentration (in ng/ml) transloc=.01;% rate of translocation between the cytosolic and mitochondrial compartments v=.07; % mitochondria compartment volume/cell volume % Initialize the full vector of initial conditions (IC) IC=zeros(58,1); IC(1) =L50; IC(2) =RnosiRNA; IC(5) =flip; IC(7) =pC8; IC(10)=Bar; IC(12)=pC3; IC(15)=pC6; IC(19)=XIAP; IC(21)=PARP; IC(24)=Bid; IC(27)=Bcl2c; IC(29)=Bax; IC(33)=Bcl2; IC(39)=M; IC(42)=CytoC; IC(45)=Smac; IC(49)=Apaf; IC(52)=pC9; % Experimentally determined values for knockdown and overexpression IOE = 12; % Bcl-2 OE sXKD = .06; % Strong XIAP KD wXKD = .13; % Weak XIAP KD BKD = .04; % Bid KD AKD = .1; % Apaf-1 KD DKD = .11; % Smac KD C6K = .11; % proC6 knockdown C8K = .03; % proC8 knockdown YIC=zeros(58,1); YIC=IC(1:58); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Rate constants % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % L + pR <--> L:pR --> R* k(1)=4E-7; k_(1)=1E-3; kc(1)=1E-5; % flip + DISC <--> flip:DISC k(2)=1E-6; k_(2)=1E-3; % pC8 + DISC <--> DISC:pC8 --> C8 + DISC k(3)=1E-6; k_(3)=1E-3; kc(3)=1; % C8 + BAR <--> BAR:C8 k(4)=1E-6; k_(4)=1E-3; % pC3 + C8 <--> pC3:C8 --> C3 + C8 k(5)=1E-7; k_(5)=1E-3; kc(5)=1; % pC6 + C3 <--> pC6:C3 --> C6 + C3 k(6)=1E-6; k_(6)=1E-3; kc(6)=1; % pC8 + C6 <--> pC8:C6 --> C8 + C6 k(7)=3E-8; k_(7)=1E-3; kc(7)=1; % XIAP + C3 <--> XIAP:C3 --> XIAP + C3_U k(8)=2E-6; k_(8)=1E-3; kc(8)=.1; % PARP + C3 <--> PARP:C3 --> CPARP + C3 k(9)=1E-6; k_(9)=1E-2; kc(9)=1; % Bid + C8 <--> Bid:C8 --> tBid + C8 k(10)=1E-7; k_(10)=1E-3; kc(10)=1; % tBid + Bcl2c <--> tBid:Bcl2c k(11)=1E-6; k_(11)=1E-3; % Bax + tBid <--> Bax:tBid --> aBax + tBid k(12)=1E-7; k_(12)=1E-3; kc(12)=1; % aBax <--> MBax k(13)=transloc; k_(13)=transloc; % MBax + Bcl2 <--> MBax:Bcl2 k(14)=1E-6; k_(14)=1E-3; % MBax + MBax <--> MBax:MBax == Bax2 k(15)=1E-6; k_(15)=1E-3; % Bax2 + Bcl2 <--> MBax2:Bcl2 k(16)=1E-6; k_(16)=1E-3; % Bax2 + Bax2 <--> Bax2:Bax2 == Bax4 k(17)=1E-6; k_(17)=1E-3; % Bax4 + Bcl2 <--> MBax4:Bcl2 k(18)=1E-6; k_(18)=1E-3; % Bax4 + Mit0 <--> Bax4:Mito --> AMito k(19)=1E-6; k_(19)=1E-3; kc(19)=1; % AMit0 + mCtoC <--> AMito:mCytoC --> AMito + ACytoC k(20)=2E-6; k_(20)=1E-3; kc(20)=10; % AMit0 + mSMac <--> AMito:mSmac --> AMito + ASMAC k(21)=2E-6; k_(21)=1E-3; kc(21)=10; % ACytoC <--> cCytoC k(22)=transloc; k_(22)=transloc; % Apaf + cCytoC <--> Apaf:cCytoC k(23)=5E-7; k_(23)=1E-3; kc(23)=1; % Apaf:cCytoC + Procasp9 <--> Apoptosome k(24)=5E-8; k_(24)=1E-3; % Apop + pCasp3 <--> Apop:cCasp3 --> Apop + Casp3 k(25)=5E-9; k_(25)=1E-3; kc(25)=1; % ASmac <--> cSmac k(26)=transloc; k_(26)=transloc; % Apop + XIAP <--> Apop:XIAP k(27)=2E-6; k_(27)=1E-3; % cSmac + XIAP <--> cSmac:XIAP k(28)=7E-6; k_(28)=1E-3; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Figure Simulations % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if Fig_4A, % Dose response tf=20*3600; % seconds samp_freq=tf/60; % accurate to min dt=(tf-0)/samp_freq; tt=0:dt:tf; options=odeset('AbsTol',1E-10,'RelTol',1E-8,'maxstep',dt); Ls_exp=[1,1/4,1/20,1/100,1/500].*Lsat; Td_exp=[144.2,178.7,236,362.5,656.5]; Td_std=[32.5,32.2,36.4,78.6,171.6]; Ts_exp=[21.6,23.8,27.2,22.0,19.0]; Ts_std=[9.5,9.5,12.9,7.7,10.5]; CVenv=0.2; Ls=floor(logspace(1,5,40)); tn=1:1:length(tt)-1; for i=1:length(Ls), x0=IC; x0(1)=Ls(i); [t x]=ode15s(@rhs,tt,x0,options,k,k_,kc,v); fs(i)=(x(1,21)-x(end,21))./x(1,21); dP=60.*( x(tn(:),21) -x(tn(:)+1,21) )./(dt*x(1,21)); % min [dPmax,ttn]=max(dP); Ts(i)=1/dPmax; % min Td(i)=tt(ttn)./60; % min end, figure(fignum),clf, subplot(3,1,1), plot(Ls./Lfactor,fs,'b-'), ylabel('f'), xlabel('TRAIL (ng/ml)'), title('Figure 2B, CPARP - WT'), set(gca,'XScale','log'), axis([min(Ls)./Lfactor,max(Ls)./Lfactor,-0.05,1.05]), subplot(3,1,2),hold on, plot(Ls./Lfactor,Td,'g-',Ls./Lfactor,(1-CVenv)*Td,'b-',Ls./Lfactor,(1+CVenv)*Td), plot(Ls_exp./Lfactor,Td_exp,'go'), for i=1:length(Td_std), line([Ls_exp(i),Ls_exp(i)]./Lfactor,[Td_exp(i)-Td_std(i),Td_exp(i)+Td_std(i)],'color','g'), end, ylabel('Td (min)'), xlabel('TRAIL (ng/ml)'), set(gca,'XScale','log'), axis([min(Ls)./Lfactor,max(Ls)./Lfactor,0,1000]), subplot(3,1,3), hold on plot(Ls./Lfactor,Ts,'r-'), plot(Ls_exp./Lfactor,Ts_exp,'ro'), for i=1:length(Td_std), line([Ls_exp(i),Ls_exp(i)]./Lfactor,[Ts_exp(i)-Ts_std(i),Ts_exp(i)+Ts_std(i)],'color','r'), end, ylabel('Ts (min)'), xlabel('TRAIL (ng/ml)'), set(gca,'XScale','log'), axis([min(Ls)./Lfactor,max(Ls)./Lfactor,-2,100]), hold off, fignum=fignum+1; save Fig2B_Data Ls fs Td Ts clear x samp_freq dt options Ls tn dP dPmax ttn fs Ts Td x0 tt end, % Fig_4A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if Fig_4B tf=6*3600; % seconds samp_freq=tf/60; % accurate to min dt=(tf-0)/samp_freq; tt=0:dt:tf; options=odeset('AbsTol',1E-10,'RelTol',1E-8,'maxstep',dt); figure(fignum),clf, x0=IC; [t x]=ode15s(@rhs,tt,x0,options,k,k_,kc,v); ICsub=(x(1,24)-x(:,24))./x(1,24); ECsub=(x(1,21)-x(:,21))./x(1,21); MOMP=(x(1,45)-x(:,45))./x(1,45); figure(fignum),clf, plot(tt./3600,ICsub,'b-',tt./3600,ECsub,'g-',tt./3600,MOMP,'r-'); legend('Cleaved Bid (IC substrate)', 'Cleaved PARP (EC substrate)', 'released Smac (MOMP)'); axis([0,tf/3600,-0.05,1.05]), title('Fig 4D'); fignum=fignum+1; end % Fig_4B %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if Fig_5, figure(fignum),clf, tf=6*3600; % seconds samp_freq=tf/60; % accurate to min dt=(tf-0)/samp_freq; tt=0:dt:tf; options=odeset('AbsTol',1E-10,'RelTol',1E-8,'maxstep',dt); dataTs=[15, 15, 15, 15, 90, 100, 15, 100, 50, 15]; dataTd=[70, 80, 400, 400, 400, 100, 90, 150,110, 70]; dataf=[1,1,1,1,0.04, 0.2, 1, 0.15, 0.3, 1]; Rs= [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]; pC6s= [1,C6K, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]; pC8s= [1, 1,C8K, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]; Bids= [1, 1, 1,BKD, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]; Bcl2s=[1, 1, 1, 1,IOE, 1, 1, IOE, IOE, 1]; Smacs=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1,DKD, 1, 1, 1, DKD]; XIAPs=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,wXKD,wXKD,sXKD,wXKD]; figure(fignum),clf, for i=1:length(Rs) x0=IC; x0(2)=Rs(i)*RsiRNA; x0(15)=pC6s(i)*pC6; x0(7)=pC8s(i)*pC8; x0(24)=Bids(i)*Bid; x0(33)=Bcl2s(i)*Bcl2; x0(45)=Smacs(i)*Smac; x0(19)=XIAPs(i)*XIAP; tn=1:1:length(tt)-1; [t x]=ode15s(@rhs,tt,x0,options,k,k_,kc,v); CP=( x(1,21) -x(:,21) )./x(1,21); dCPWT=( x(tn(:),21) -x(tn(:)+1,21) )./(dt.*x(1,21)); [dCPMax,tdN]=max(dCPWT); simTs(i)=1./dCPMax./60; simTd(i)=tt(tdN)./60; simf(i)=CP(end); subplot(10,3,(i-1)*3+1), hold on axis([0, 10, 0, 10]) set(gca, 'XTickLabel',[]) set(gca, 'YTickLabel',[]) text(0.5,8,sprintf('Data:\nT_s=%2.2f, T_d=%2.2f, f=%2.2f ',dataTs(i),dataTd(i),dataf(i)),'FontSize',6) text(0.5,3,sprintf('Sim:\nT_s=%2.2f, T_d=%2.2f, f=%2.2f ',simTs(i),simTd(i),simf(i)),'FontSize',6) subplot(10,3,(i-1)*3+2), hold on plot(tt./3600,CP,'r-'); bt=linspace(360,1); by=zeros(100,1); for j=1:100 by(j)=(dataf(i)-dataf(i)/(1+exp((bt(j)-dataTd(i))/(dataTs(i)/4)))); end plot(bt/60,by,'b-'); axis([0,tf/3600,-0.05,1.05]) set(gca, 'XTick', [0 1.5 3 4.5 6]) set(gca, 'XTickLabel',[]) clear CP dCPWT dCPMax tdN end % Add noSiRNA curve to control plot x0=IC; tn=1:1:length(tt)-1; [t x]=ode15s(@rhs,tt,x0,options,k,k_,kc,v); CP=( x(1,21) -x(:,21) )./x(1,21); subplot(10,3,2), hold on plot(tt./3600,CP,'m-'); % column3: compare data and simulated histograms channels=linspace(0,4,1024); % cells is the number of cells in the population cells=10000; switchstdev=10; delaystdev=40; noisevariance=0.4; histimepoint=[90,90,90,180,180,180,90,180,180,90]; numtimepts=4; timespacing=90; % background fluorescence, which is added to the signal of each cell background=10; % amplification represents signal amplification by the flow cytometer amplification=1E3; for j=1:length(simTs); sTs=simTs(j)+switchstdev*randn(cells,1); sTd=simTd(j)+delaystdev*randn(cells,1) ; measuredsignals=zeros(cells, numtimepts); for timept=1:numtimepts t=(timept-1)*timespacing; for i=1:cells % loop through each cell measuredsignals(i)=lognrnd(0,noisevariance)*((simf(j)-simf(j)/(1+exp((t-sTd(i))/(sTs(i)./4)))).*amplification+background); %calculate the signal at that time point for each cell end if (t==histimepoint(j)) histsignals=measuredsignals; end % set gates and compute frequencies neg_start=1; neg_end=420; int_start=421; int_end=580; pos_start=581; pos_end=1024; temphist=hist(log10(measuredsignals),channels); frequencies(1,timept)=sum(temphist(neg_start:neg_end)); frequencies(2,timept)=sum(temphist(int_start:int_end)); frequencies(3,timept)=sum(temphist(pos_start:pos_end)); end subplot(10,3,(j-1)*3+3), hold on histy=120; % parameters for colored bars that denote gate placement bar_height=110; negbarx=[neg_start, neg_end]; negbary=[bar_height,bar_height]; intbarx=[int_start, int_end]; intbary=[bar_height, bar_height]; posbarx=[pos_start, pos_end]; posbary=[bar_height, bar_height]; p=hist(log10(histsignals),channels); hold on; % draw bars plot(negbarx,negbary,'g','LineWidth',2); plot(intbarx,intbary,'y','LineWidth',2); plot(posbarx,posbary,'k','LineWidth',2); plot(p,'r'); axis([0,1024,0,histy]); set(gca,'xtick',[0,256,512,768,1024]); set(gca,'XTickLabel',[]), end; fignum=fignum+1; clear j tdCC3 tdCP dCC3 dCP dCC3Tot dCC3TotMax tdN dCPMax dCP is ans transloc dt i options P50Test samp_freq tt x x0 Ls Rs XIAPs Smacs Bids Bcl2s Apafs AKD BKD XKD a1 dty DKD optionsy IOE samp_freqy y y0 tfy tty sXKD StrTitle wXKD z z0 end, % Fig_5 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if Fig_6AB, clear YIC tf=6*3600; samp_freq=tf/60; dt=(tf-0)/samp_freq; tt=0:dt:tf; options=odeset('AbsTol',1E-10,'RelTol',1E-8,'maxstep',dt); ICnum=[7,24,29,29,45,19,12,12,21]; x0=IC; x0(15)=0; %set pC6=0; no feedback [t x]=ode15s(@rhs,tt,x0,options,k,k_,kc,v); y=zeros(length(tt),10); y(:,1)=x(:,9)+x(:,11)+x(:,13)+x(:,25); % CC8 y(:,2)=x(:,26)+x(:,28)+x(:,30); % tBid y(:,3)=x(:,32)+x(:,34)+2.*x(:,35)+2.*x(:,36)+... +4.*x(:,37)+4.*x(:,38)+4.*x(:,40)+4.*x(:,41); % smBax y(:,4)=x(:,33); %sBcl2 y(:,5)=x(:,41)+x(:,43)+x(:,46); % sMito y(:,6)=x(:,55)+x(:,57); % sSmac y(:,7)=x(:,57); % sSmacXIAP y(:,8)=x(:,14)+x(:,16)+x(:,22); % sC3 y(:,9)=x(:,20); % sC3XIAP y(:,10)=x(:,23); % sCP count=1; for i=1:10, ymax(i)=max(y(:,i)); if i~=4, Ymax(count)=ymax(i); YIC(count)=x(1,ICnum(count)); YmaxWT(count)=ymax(i); count=count+1; end, end, ystr=['C8 ', 'tBid ', 'mBax ', 'Bcl2 ', 'Mito ', 'Smac ', 'Smac:XIAP', 'CC3 ', 'CC3:XIAP ', 'CP ']; figure(fignum),clf, for i=1:10, subplot(5,2,i), plot(tt./3600,y(:,i)), ylabel(ystr(i,:)), if or(i==9,i==10), xlabel('time (hrs)'), end, if i==1, title(sprintf('Fig 6B')), end, end, fignum=fignum+1; figure(fignum),clf, plot(tt./3600,10*y(:,1),'-',... tt./3600,y(:,2),'-',... tt./3600,y(:,3),'-',... tt./3600,y(:,4),'-',... tt./3600,y(:,5),'-',... tt./3600,y(:,6),'-',... tt./3600,y(:,7),'-',... tt./3600,10*y(:,8),'-',... tt./3600,1000*y(:,9),'-',... tt./3600,0.1*y(:,10),'-'), xlabel('time (hrs)'), title(sprintf('Fig 6A')), legend('C8*','tBid','mBax','free Bcl2','Mito pores','Smac','Smac:XIAP','C3','C3:XIAP','cPARP',... 'location','northwest'); fignum=fignum+1; clear y tt x x0 options samp_freq dt ystr end, % Fig_6AB %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if Fig_S4, % same as 6AB, but with feedback included. clear YIC tf=6*3600; samp_freq=tf/60; dt=(tf-0)/samp_freq; tt=0:dt:tf; options=odeset('AbsTol',1E-10,'RelTol',1E-8,'maxstep',dt); ICnum=[7,24,29,29,45,19,12,12,21]; x0=IC; [t x]=ode15s(@rhs,tt,x0,options,k,k_,kc,v); y=zeros(length(tt),10); y(:,1)=x(:,9)+x(:,11)+x(:,13)+x(:,25); % CC8 y(:,2)=x(:,26)+x(:,28)+x(:,30); % tBid y(:,3)=x(:,32)+x(:,34)+2.*x(:,35)+2.*x(:,36)+... +4.*x(:,37)+4.*x(:,38)+4.*x(:,40)+4.*x(:,41); % smBax y(:,4)=x(:,33); %sBcl2 y(:,5)=x(:,41)+x(:,43)+x(:,46); % sMito y(:,6)=x(:,55)+x(:,57); % sSmac y(:,7)=x(:,57); % sSmacXIAP y(:,8)=x(:,14)+x(:,16)+x(:,22); % sC3 y(:,9)=x(:,20); % sC3XIAP y(:,10)=x(:,23); % sCP count=1; for i=1:10, ymax(i)=max(y(:,i)); if i~=4, Ymax(count)=ymax(i); YIC(count)=x(1,ICnum(count)); YmaxWT(count)=ymax(i); count=count+1; end, end, ystr=['C8 ', 'tBid ', 'mBax ', 'Bcl2 ', 'Mito ', 'Smac ', 'Smac:XIAP', 'CC3 ', 'CC3:XIAP ', 'CP ']; figure(fignum),clf, for i=1:10, subplot(10,1,i), plot(tt./3600,y(:,i)), set(gca,'XTickLabel', []) ylabel(ystr(i,:)), if i==1, title(sprintf('Fig S4B')), end, end, fignum=fignum+1; figure(fignum),clf, plot(tt./3600,5*y(:,1),'-',... tt./3600,y(:,2),'-',... tt./3600,y(:,3),'-',... tt./3600,y(:,4),'-',... tt./3600,y(:,5),'-',... tt./3600,y(:,6),'-',... tt./3600,y(:,7),'-',... tt./3600,10*y(:,8),'-',... tt./3600,1000*y(:,9),'-',... tt./3600,0.1*y(:,10),'-'), xlabel('time (hrs)'), title(sprintf('Fig S4A')), legend('C8*(x5)','tBid','mBax','free Bcl2','Mito pores','Smac','Smac:XIAP','C3(x10)','C3:XIAP(x1000)','cPARP(x0.1)',... 'location','northwest'); fignum=fignum+1; clear y tt x x0 options samp_freq dt ystr end, % Fig_S4 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if Fig_6C, tf=24*3600; samp_freq=tf/3; dt=(tf-0)/samp_freq; tt=0:dt:tf; tn=1:1:length(tt)-1; options=odeset('AbsTol',1E-10,'RelTol',1E-8,'maxstep',dt); figure(fignum), hold on x0=IC; x0(15)=0; %set pC6=0; no feedback [t x]=ode15s(@rhs,tt,x0,options,k,k_,kc,v); Pores=x(:,41)+x(:,43)+x(:,46); AllBaxM=x(:,31)+x(:,32)+x(:,34)+2*x(:,35)+2*x(:,36)+4*x(:,37)+4*x(:,38)+4*x(:,41)+4*x(:,43)+4*x(:,46); AllSmacCytoC=(x(:,42)+x(:,45))./(x(1,42)+x(1,45)); actC8=x(1,7)-x(:,7); actBid=x(1,24)-x(:,24); actBax=x(1,29)-x(:,29); plot(tt./3600,actC8,'b',tt./3600,actBid,'g',tt./3600,actBax,'k',tt./3600,Pores,'r',tt./3600,2.*AllSmacCytoC,'m') axis([0 6 -0.05 2.05]) clear Is CPs CP_data L_data R_data CPWT tt x x0 options samp_freq dt fignum=fignum+1; end, % Fig_6C %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if Fig_6D, tf=6*3600; % seconds samp_freq=tf/60; dt=(tf-0)/samp_freq; tt=0:dt:tf; tn=1:1:length(tt)-1; options=odeset('AbsTol',1E-10,'RelTol',1E-8,'maxstep',dt); figure(fignum), clf, hold on x0=IC; x0(15)=0; %set pC6=0; no feedback [t x]=ode15s(@rhs,tt,x0,options,k,k_,kc,v); allPores=x(:,41)+x(:,43)+x(:,46); busyPores=x(:,43)+x(:,46); relSmacCyC=1-(x(:,42)+x(:,45))./(x(1,42)+x(1,45)); allSmacCyC=(x(:,42)+x(:,45)); dSmacCyC=-[diff(allSmacCyC);0]; sum(dSmacCyC) subplot(4,1,1) plot(tt./3600,allPores,'g',tt./3600,busyPores,'r') axis([0 6 -1000 2.1E4]) subplot(4,1,2) plot(tt./3600,allPores,'g',tt./3600,busyPores,'r') axis([3 4 -10 210]) subplot(4,1,3) plot(tt./3600,relSmacCyC,'m') axis([0 6 -0.05 1.05]) subplot(4,1,4) plot(tt./3600,dSmacCyC,'r') axis([0 6 -0.4E4 8.4E4]) clear Is CPs CP_data L_data R_data CPWT tt x x0 options samp_freq dt allPores busyPores allSmacCyC fignum=fignum+1; end, % Fig_6D %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if Fig_S5, tf=8*3600; % seconds samp_freq=tf/60; dt=(tf-0)/samp_freq; tt=0:dt:tf; tn=1:1:length(tt)-1; options=odeset('AbsTol',1E-10,'RelTol',1E-8,'maxstep',dt); figure(fignum), hold on x0=IC; x0(15)=0; %set pC6=0; no feedback x0(45)=1E9; % set Smac very high x0(42)=0; [t x]=ode15s(@rhs,tt,x0,options,k,k_,kc,v); allPores=x(:,41)+x(:,43)+x(:,46); busyPores=x(:,43)+x(:,46); relSmacCyC=1-(x(:,42)+x(:,45))./(x(1,42)+x(1,45)); allSmacCyC=(x(:,42)+x(:,45)); dSmacCyC=-[diff(allSmacCyC);0]; subplot(3,1,1) plot(tt./3600,allPores,'g',tt./3600,busyPores,'r') axis([0 8 -1000 2.1E4]) subplot(3,1,2) plot(tt./3600,relSmacCyC,'m') axis([0 8 -0.05 1.05]) subplot(3,1,3) plot(tt./3600,dSmacCyC,'r') axis([0 8 -0.1E7 2.1E7]) clear Is CPs CP_data L_data R_data CPWT tt x x0 options samp_freq dt allPores busyPores allSmacCyC fignum=fignum+1; end, % Fig_S5 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if Fig_7A, % tf=24*3600; % samp_freq=tf/60; % dt=(tf-0)/samp_freq tt=0:dt:tf; tn=1:1:length(tt)-1; options=odeset('AbsTol',1E-10,'RelTol',1E-8,'maxstep',dt); % baseline x0=IC; x0(1)=L50/25; %2 ng/ml TRAIL [t x]=ode15s(@rhs,tt,x0,options,k,k_,kc,v); ICsub=1-x(:,24)./x(1,24) % The "early" phase of IC substrate cleavage is estimated as % the average slope in the interval between 1% and 15% of full cleavage. % The "late" phase is estimated as the average slope in the interval % between 60% and 90% of full cleavage t1=find(ICsub>0.01,1,'first') *dt./3600; t15=find(ICsub>0.15,1,'first')*dt./3600; t60=find(ICsub>0.6,1,'first')*dt./3600; t90=find(ICsub>0.9,1,'first')*dt./3600; earlyT=t15-t1; lateT=t90-t60; earlyS=14/earlyT; lateS=30/lateT; earlySlopes(1)=earlyS lateSlopes(1)=lateS; rel=(x(:,42)+x(:,45))./(x(1,42)+x(1,45)) dR=diff(rel) dRmax=-min(dR) relTs(1)=1/dRmax % min %casp6 KO x0=IC; x0(1)=L50/25; %2 ng/ml TRAIL x0(15)=0; % set C6 to 0 to remove all feedback [t x]=ode15s(@rhs,tt,x0,options,k,k_,kc,v); ICsub=1-x(:,24)./x(1,24); t1=find(ICsub>0.01,1,'first')*dt./3600; t15=find(ICsub>0.15,1,'first')*dt./3600; t60=find(ICsub>0.6,1,'first')*dt./3600; t90=find(ICsub>0.9,1,'first')*dt./3600; earlyT=t15-t1; lateT=t90-t60; earlyS=14/earlyT; lateS=30/lateT; earlySlopes(2)=earlyS; lateSlopes(2)=lateS; rel=(x(:,42)+x(:,45))./(x(1,42)+x(1,45)) dR=diff(rel) dRmax=-min(dR) relTs(2)=1/dRmax % min %smacKD x0=IC; x0(1)=L50/25; %2 ng/ml TRAIL x0(45)=0.1*Smac; %simulate Smac knockdown [t x]=ode15s(@rhs,tt,x0,options,k,k_,kc,v); ICsub=1-x(:,24)./x(1,24); t1=find(ICsub>0.01,1,'first')*dt./3600; t15=find(ICsub>0.15,1,'first')*dt./3600; t60=find(ICsub>0.6,1,'first')*dt./3600; t90=find(ICsub>0.9,1,'first')*dt./3600; earlyT=t15-t1; lateT=t90-t60; earlyS=14/earlyT; lateS=30/lateT; earlySlopes(3)=earlyS lateSlopes(3)=lateS rel=(x(:,42)+x(:,45))./(x(1,42)+x(1,45)); dR=diff(rel); dRmax=-min(dR); relTs(3)=1/dRmax % min bar([earlySlopes, lateSlopes]); figure() bar(relTs); clear Is CPs CP_data L_data R_data CPWT tt x x0 options samp_freq dt fignum=fignum+1; % who, end, % Fig_7A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if Fig_8A % Ls=floor(logspace(1,4,4)); tf=24*3600; % samp_freq=tf/60; dt=(tf-0)/samp_freq; tt=0:dt:tf; tn=1:1:length(tt)-1; options=odeset('AbsTol',1E-10,'RelTol',1E-8,'maxstep',dt); windowsize=50; figure(), hold on for i=1:length(Ls), x0=IC; x0(1)=Ls(i); [t x]=ode15s(@rhs,tt,x0,options,k,k_,kc,v); rel=(x(:,42)+x(:,45))./(x(1,42)+x(1,45)); m50=find(rel<0.5,1,'first'); tBid=1-x(:,24)./x(1,24); tmax=max(size(tt)) plot(tt(1:m50)./3600,tBid(1:m50),'b',tt(m50:tmax)./3600,tBid(m50:tmax),'k') plot(tt(m50-windowsize:m50+windowsize)./3600,rel(m50-windowsize:m50+windowsize),'r') end, axis([0 12 -0.1 1.1]) figure(), hold on for i=1:length(Ls), x0=IC; x0(1)=Ls(i); [t x]=ode15s(@rhs,tt,x0,options,k,k_,kc,v); rel=(x(:,42)+x(:,45))./(x(1,42)+x(1,45)); m50=find(rel<0.5,1,'first'); b2=x(:,33)./x(1,33); tmax=max(size(tt)) plot(tt(1:m50)./3600,b2(1:m50),'g',tt(m50:tmax)./3600,b2(m50:tmax),'y') plot(tt(m50-windowsize:m50+windowsize)./3600,rel(m50-windowsize:m50+windowsize),'r') end, axis([0 12 -0.1 1.1]) clear Is CPs CP_data L_data R_data CPWT tt x x0 options samp_freq dt fignum=fignum+1; % who, end, % Fig_8A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if Fig_9ABCEF, tf=6*3600; samp_freq=tf; dt=(tf-0)/samp_freq; tt=0:dt:tf; options=odeset('AbsTol',1E-10,'RelTol',1E-8,'maxstep',dt); HighSmac=5E5; tn=1:1:length(tt)-1; StrTitle=[sprintf('Fig S7: WT '), sprintf('pC9(0)=0 '), sprintf('Apop + pCasp3, k(25)=0'), sprintf('Apop + XIAP, k(27)=0 '), sprintf('Apaf(0)=0 ')]; pC9s=[1,0,1,1,1].*pC9; k25temp=k(25); k25s=[1,1,0,1,1].*k(25); k27temp=k(27); k27s=[1,1,1,0,1].*k(27); Apafs=[1,1,1,1,0].*Apaf; figure(fignum),clf, for i=1:length(pC9s), x0=IC; k(25)=k25s(i); k(27)=k27s(i); x0(49)=Apafs(i); x0(52)=pC9s(i); [t x]=ode15s(@rhs,tt,x0,options,k,k_,kc,v); CP(:,i)=( x(1,21) -x(:,21) )./x(1,21); dCPWT=( x(tn(:),21) -x(tn(:)+1,21) )./(dt.*x(1,21)); [dCPMax,tdN]=max(dCPWT); Ts(i)=1./dCPMax./60; Td(i)=tt(tdN)./60; f1(i)=CP(end,i); subplot(length(pC9s),1,i),hold on plot(tt(:)./3600,CP(:,i),'r-') % repeat with high levels of Smac x0=IC; k(25)=k25s(i); k(27)=k27s(i); x0(49)=Apafs(i); x0(52)=pC9s(i); x0(45)=HighSmac; [t x]=ode15s(@rhs,tt,x0,options,k,k_,kc,v); CP(:,i)=( x(1,21) -x(:,21) )./x(1,21); dCPWT=( x(tn(:),21) -x(tn(:)+1,21) )./(dt.*x(1,21)); [dCPMax,tdN]=max(dCPWT); Ts2(i)=1./dCPMax./60; Td2(i)=tt(tdN)./60; f2(i)=CP(end,i); subplot(length(pC9s),1,i),hold on plot(tt(:)./3600,CP(:,i),'k-') ylabel('f'), title([StrTitle(i,:),sprintf('\nT_s=%2.2f, T_s(hs)=%2.2f, f=%2.2f, f(hs)=%2.2f',Ts(i),Ts2(i),f1(i),f2(i))]), axis([0,tf/3600,-0.05,1.05]), if i==1, legend('baselineSmac','high Smac',... 'location','East'), end, end, xlabel('time (hr)'), k(25)=k25temp; k(27)=k27temp; save FigS7_Data CP CC3 CC3Free Ts Td pC9s k25s k27s Apafs clear Ts Td pC9s k25s k27s Apafs dCPMax tdN dCPWT StrTitle tn CP CC3 CC3Free k25temp k27temp tt x x0 options samp_freq dt fignum=fignum+1; end, % Fig_9ABCEF %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if Fig_9D, % SmacKD=.1; pC9KD=.1; Smacs=floor(logspace(3,7,30)); pC9s=floor(logspace(3,7,30)); tf=24*3600; samp_freq=tf/60; dt=(tf-0)/samp_freq; tt=0:dt:tf; options=odeset('AbsTol',1E-10,'RelTol',1E-8,'maxstep',dt); count=1; lineN=1; for i=1:length(Smacs), for j=1:length(pC9s), x0=IC; x0(45)=Smacs(i); x0(49)=pC9s(j); % set both C9 and Apaf-1 to the same value x0(52)=pC9s(j); [t x]=ode15s(@rhs,tt,x0,options,k,k_,kc,v); CPs(j,i)=(x(1,21)-x(end,21))./x(1,21); CP_data(count) =CPs(j,i); Smac_data(count)=Smacs(i); pC9_data(count)=pC9s(j); count=count+1; end, end, x0=IC; [t x]=ode15s(@rhs,tt,x0,options,k,k_,kc,v); pt1_WT=[Smac,pC9,(x(1,21)-x(end,21))./x(1,21)]; x0=IC; x0(45)=SmacKD*Smac; [t x]=ode15s(@rhs,tt,x0,options,k,k_,kc,v); pt2_SmacKD=[SmacKD*Smac,pC9,(x(1,21)-x(end,21))./x(1,21)]; x0=IC; x0(49)=pC9KD*pC9; % Apaf x0(52)=SmacKD*pC9; [t x]=ode15s(@rhs,tt,x0,options,k,k_,kc,v); pt3_pC9ApafKD=[Smac,pC9KD*pC9,(x(1,21)-x(end,21))./x(1,21)]; figure(fignum),clf,hold on, surf(Smacs,pC9s,CPs), plot3(pt1_WT(1),pt1_WT(2),pt1_WT(3),'b*',... pt2_SmacKD(1),pt2_SmacKD(2),pt2_SmacKD(3),'r*',... pt3_pC9ApafKD(1),pt3_pC9ApafKD(2),pt3_pC9ApafKD(3),'k*',... pt1_WT(1),pt1_WT(2),pt1_WT(3),'bo',... pt2_SmacKD(1),pt2_SmacKD(2),pt2_SmacKD(3),'ro',... pt3_pC9ApafKD(1),pt3_pC9ApafKD(2),pt3_pC9ApafKD(3),'ko'), ApopLineN=1; for i=1:length(Smacs), if XIAP>=Smacs(i), ApopLine(ApopLineN,:)=[Smacs(i),XIAP-Smacs(i),1.01]; ApopLineN=ApopLineN+1; end, end, SmacLineN=1; for i=1:length(pC9s), if XIAP>=pC9s(i), SmacLine(SmacLineN,:)=[XIAP-pC9s(i),pC9s(i),1.01]; SmacLineN=SmacLineN+1; end, end, plot3(ApopLine(:,1),ApopLine(:,2),ApopLine(:,3),'c-'), plot3(SmacLine(:,1),SmacLine(:,2),SmacLine(:,3),'c-'), axis([min(Smacs),max(Smacs),min(pC9s),max(pC9s),0,1]), xlabel('[Smac]_0'), ylabel('[pC9]_0 = [Apaf]_0'), zlabel('CP - f'), title(sprintf('Fig 4D: Tf = %2.2f hours, %2.2f %c Smac KD, %2.2f %c pC9/Apapf KD',tf/3600,100*(1-SmacKD),'%',100*(1-pC9KD),'%')), set(gca,'XScale','log'), set(gca,'YScale','log'), view(3),hold off,rotate3d on, save Fig9D_Data ApopLine SmacLine pt3_pC9ApafKD pt2_SmacKD pt1_WT CP_data Smac_data pC9_data clear lineN SmacLine SmacLineN ApopLineN ApopLine XIAPLine LineN pt3_pC9ApafKD pt2_SmacKD pt1_WT CP_SmacKD pC9KD Smacs pC9s CPs CP_data Smac_data pC9_data CPWT SmacKD XIAPKD CP_pC9KD tt x x0 options samp_freq dt fignum=fignum+1; end, % Fig_9D %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if Fig_10A, % L_freq=40; Ls=floor(logspace(1,5,L_freq)); pC6s=[0,.01,.1,1,10,100].*pC6; tf=10*3600; samp_freq=tf/30; dt=(tf-0)/samp_freq; tt=0:dt:tf; options=odeset('AbsTol',1E-10,'RelTol',1E-8,'maxstep',dt); tn=1:1:length(tt)-1; for i=1:length(Ls), for j=1:length(pC6s), x0=IC; x0(1)=Ls(i); x0(15)=pC6s(j); %set pC6 [t x]=ode15s(@rhs,tt,x0,options,k,k_,kc,v); dCP=( x(tn(:),21) -x(tn(:)+1,21) )./(dt.*x(1,21)); [temp,tdN]=max(dCP); Td(i,j)=tt(tdN)./60; end, end, figure(fignum),clf, plot(Ls./Lfactor,Td), xlabel('[L]_0'), ylabel('T_d (min)'), title(sprintf('Fig 6C: Tf = %2.2f hrs, L num freq=%2.2f (siRNA)',tf/3600,L_freq)), legend('0','0.01\times [pC6]_0','0.1\times [pC6]_0','WT','10\times [pC6]_0','100\times [pC6]_0','1000\times [pC6]_0'), set(gca,'XScale','log'), save Fig6C_Data Td Ls clear L_freq Td Ls temp tdN tn dCP Td_WT tt x x0 options samp_freq dt fignum=fignum+1; end, % Fig_10A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if Fig_10BCD, % tf=9*3600; samp_freq=tf/60; dt=(tf-0)/samp_freq; tt=0:dt:tf; options=odeset('AbsTol',1E-10,'RelTol',1E-8,'maxstep',dt); Ls=[5*L50, L50, 0.05*L50]; ExpandX=[3,4,7]; ExpandY2=[0.1,0.085, 0.035]; ExpandY1=[-0.005,-0.004,-0.0015]; for i=1:length(Ls) in=1:1:58; x0(in(:))=IC(in(:)); in=59:1:63; x0(in(:))=0; x0(1)=Ls(i); % [t x]=ode15s(@fluxrhs,tt,x0,options,k,k_,kc,v); CC8Tot=(x(1,7)-x(:,7))./x(1,7); CC8viaDISC=x(:,61)./x(1,7); CC8viaCC6=x(:,62)./x(1,7); CP=(x(1,21)-x(:,21))./x(1,21); MOMP=(x(1,45)-x(:,45))./x(1,45); xp(59)=kc(5)*x(13) ; % C8:pC3 sum figure(fignum),clf, subplot(2,1,1),hold on, plot(tt./3600,CC8Tot,'m',... tt./3600,CC8viaDISC,'r',... tt./3600,CC8viaCC6,'b',... tt./3600,CP,'k',... tt./3600,MOMP,'g'), legend('CC8Tot','CC8 via DISC','CC8 via CC6','CP','MOMP'), xlabel('time (hrs)'), ylabel('f'), title(sprintf('Fig 6B: %2.2f ng/ml TRAIL',Ls(i)/Lfactor)), line([0,(2/3)*tf/3600],[0.105,0.105]), line([(2/3)*tf/3600,(2/3)*tf/3600],[-.05,.105]), axis([0 tf/3600 -.05 1.05]), hold off, subplot(2,1,2),hold on, plot(tt./3600,CC8Tot,'m',... tt./3600,CC8viaDISC,'r',... tt./3600,CC8viaCC6,'b',... tt./3600,CP,'k',... tt./3600,MOMP,'g'), xlabel('time (hrs)'), ylabel('f'), axis([0,ExpandX(i),ExpandY1(i),ExpandY2(i)]), hold off, save Fig6B_Data CC8Tot CC8viaDISC CC8viaCC6 CP clear in CC8Tot CC8viaDISC CC8viaCC6 CP x x0 fignum=fignum+1; end clear in CC8Tot CC8viaDISC CC8viaCC6 CP tt x x0 options samp_freq dt end, % Fig_10BCD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function xp=rhs(t,x,k,k_,kc,v) % ODE with dimensions xp=double(x); xp(1) = -k(1)*x(1)*x(2) +k_(1)*x(3) ; % Ligand xp(2) = -k(1)*x(1)*x(2) +k_(1)*x(3) ; % R xp(3) = k(1)*x(1)*x(2) -k_(1)*x(3) -kc(1)*x(3) ; % L:R complex xp(4) = kc(1)*x(3) +... -k(2)*x(4)*x(5) +k_(2)*x(6) +... -k(3)*x(4)*x(7) +k_(3)*x(8) +kc(3)*x(8); % R* xp(5)= -k(2)*x(4)*x(5) +k_(2)*x(6) ; % flip xp(6)= k(2)*x(4)*x(5) -k_(2)*x(6) ; % flip:R* xp(7) = -k(3)*x(4)*x(7) +k_(3)*x(8) +... -k(7)*x(7)*x(17) +k_(7)*x(18) ; % pC8 xp(8) = k(3)*x(4)*x(7) -k_(3)*x(8) -kc(3)*x(8) ; % R*:pC8 xp(9) = kc(3)*x(8) +... -k(4)*x(9)*x(10) +k_(4)*x(11) +... -k(5)*x(9)*x(12) +k_(5)*x(13) +kc(5)*x(13) +... +kc(7)*x(18) +... -k(10)*x(9)*x(24) +k_(10)*x(25) +kc(10)*x(25) ; % C8 xp(10) = -k(4)*x(9)*x(10) +k_(4)*x(11) ; % Bar xp(11) = k(4)*x(9)*x(10) -k_(4)*x(11) ; % Bar:C8 xp(12)= -k(5)*x(9)*x(12) +k_(5)*x(13) +... -k(25)*x(12)*x(53) +k_(25)*x(54) ; % pC3 xp(13)= k(5)*x(9)*x(12) -k_(5)*x(13) -kc(5)*x(13) ; % C8:pC3 xp(14)= kc(5)*x(13) +... -k(6)*x(14)*x(15) +k_(6)*x(16) +kc(6)*x(16) +... -k(8)*x(14)*x(19) +k_(8)*x(20) +... -k(9)*x(14)*x(21) +k_(9)*x(22) +kc(9)*x(22) +... +kc(25)*x(54) ; % C3 xp(15)= -k(6)*x(14)*x(15) +k_(6)*x(16) ; % pC6 xp(16)= k(6)*x(14)*x(15) -k_(6)*x(16) -kc(6)*x(16) ; % C3:pC6 xp(17)= kc(6)*x(16) +... -k(7)*x(7)*x(17) +k_(7)*x(18) +kc(7)*x(18) ; % C6 xp(18)= k(7)*x(7)*x(17) -k_(7)*x(18) -kc(7)*x(18) ; % C6:pC8 xp(19)= -k(8)*x(14)*x(19) +k_(8)*x(20) +kc(8)*x(20) +... -k(27)*x(19)*x(53) +k_(27)*x(56) +... -k(28)*x(19)*x(55) +k_(28)*x(57) ; % XIAP xp(20)= k(8)*x(14)*x(19) -k_(8)*x(20) -kc(8)*x(20) ; % XIAP:C3 xp(21)= -k(9)*x(14)*x(21) +k_(9)*x(22) ; % PARP xp(22)= k(9)*x(14)*x(21) -k_(9)*x(22) -kc(9)*x(22) ; % C3:PARP xp(23)= kc(9)*x(22) ; % CPARP xp(24)= -k(10)*x(9)*x(24) +k_(10)*x(25) ; % Bid xp(25)= k(10)*x(9)*x(24) -k_(10)*x(25) -kc(10)*x(25) ; % C8:Bid xp(26)= kc(10)*x(25) +... -k(11)*x(26)*x(27) +k_(11)*x(28) +... -k(12)*x(26)*x(29) +k_(12)*x(30) + kc(12)*x(30); % tBid xp(27)= -k(11)*x(26)*x(27) +k_(11)*x(28) ; % Bcl2c xp(28)= +k(11)*x(26)*x(27) -k_(11)*x(28) ; % Bcl2c:tBid xp(29)= -k(12)*x(26)*x(29) +k_(12)*x(30) ; % Bax xp(30)= k(12)*x(26)*x(29) -k_(12)*x(30) - kc(12)*x(30) ; % tBid:Bax xp(31)= kc(12)*x(30) +... -k(13)*x(31) + k_(13)*x(32) ; % Bax* xp(32)= k(13)*x(31) - k_(13)*x(32) +... -1/v*k(14)*x(32)*x(33) +k_(14)*x(34) +... -1/v*2*k(15)*x(32)^2 +2*k_(15)*x(35) ; % Baxm xp(33)= -1/v*k(14)*x(32)*x(33) +k_(14)*x(34) +... -1/v*k(16)*x(33)*x(35) +k_(16)*x(36) +... -1/v*k(18)*x(33)*x(37) +k_(18)*x(38) ; % Bcl2 xp(34)= 1/v*k(14)*x(32)*x(33) -k_(14)*x(34) ; % Baxm:Bcl2 xp(35)= 1/v*k(15)*x(32)^2 -k_(15)*x(35) +... -1/v*k(16)*x(33)*x(35) +k_(16)*x(36) +... -2/v*k(17)*x(35)^2 +2*k_(17)*x(37) ; % Bax2 xp(36)= 1/v*k(16)*x(33)*x(35) -k_(16)*x(36) ; % Bax2:Bcl2 xp(37)= 1/v*k(17)*x(35)^2 -k_(17)*x(37)+... -1/v*k(18)*x(33)*x(37) +k_(18)*x(38) +... -1/v*k(19)*x(39)*x(37) +k_(19)*x(40) ; % Bax4 xp(38)= 1/v*k(18)*x(33)*x(37) -k_(18)*x(38) ; % Bax4:Bcl2 xp(39)= -1/v*k(19)*x(39)*x(37) +k_(19)*x(40); % M xp(40)= 1/v*k(19)*x(39)*x(37) -k_(19)*x(40) -kc(19)*x(40) ; % Bax4:M xp(41)= kc(19)*x(40) +... -1/v*k(20)*x(41)*x(42) +k_(20)*x(43) +kc(20)*x(43) +... -1/v*k(21)*x(41)*x(45) +k_(21)*x(46) +kc(21)*x(46) ; % M* xp(42)= -1/v*k(20)*x(41)*x(42) +k_(20)*x(43) ; % CytoCm xp(43)= 1/v*k(20)*x(41)*x(42) -k_(20)*x(43) -kc(20)*x(43) ; % M*:CytoCm xp(44)= kc(20)*x(43) +... -k(22)*x(44) +k_(22)*x(48) ; % CytoCr xp(45)= -1/v*k(21)*x(41)*x(45) +k_(21)*x(46) ; % Smacm xp(46)= 1/v*k(21)*x(41)*x(45) -k_(21)*x(46) -kc(21)*x(46) ; % M*:Smacm xp(47)= kc(21)*x(46) +... -k(26)*x(47) +k_(26)*x(55) ; % Smacr xp(48)= k(22)*x(44) -k_(22)*x(48) +... -k(23)*x(48)*x(49) +k_(23)*x(50) +kc(23)*x(50) ; % CytoC xp(49)= -k(23)*x(48)*x(49) +k_(23)*x(50) ; % Apaf xp(50)= k(23)*x(48)*x(49) -k_(23)*x(50) -kc(23)*x(50) ; % Apaf:CytoC xp(51)= kc(23)*x(50) +... -k(24)*x(51)*x(52) +k_(24)*x(53); % Apaf* xp(52)= -k(24)*x(51)*x(52) +k_(24)*x(53) ; % pC9 xp(53)= k(24)*x(51)*x(52) -k_(24)*x(53) +... -k(25)*x(12)*x(53) +k_(25)*x(54) +kc(25)*x(54) +... -k(27)*x(19)*x(53) +k_(27)*x(56) ; % Apop xp(54)= k(25)*x(12)*x(53) -k_(25)*x(54) -kc(25)*x(54) ; % Apop:pC3 xp(55)= k(26)*x(47) -k_(26)*x(55) +... -k(28)*x(19)*x(55) +k_(28)*x(57) ; % Smac xp(56)= k(27)*x(19)*x(53) -k_(27)*x(56) ; % Apop:XIAP xp(57)= k(28)*x(19)*x(55) -k_(28)*x(57) ; % Smac:XIap xp(58)=kc(8)*x(20); % C3_Ub %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function xp=fluxrhs(t,x,k,k_,kc,v) % ODE with dimensions xp=double(x); xp(1) = -k(1)*x(1)*x(2) +k_(1)*x(3) ; % Ligand xp(2) = -k(1)*x(1)*x(2) +k_(1)*x(3) ; % R xp(3) = k(1)*x(1)*x(2) -k_(1)*x(3) -kc(1)*x(3) ; % L:R complex xp(4) = kc(1)*x(3) +... -k(2)*x(4)*x(5) +k_(2)*x(6) +... -k(3)*x(4)*x(7) +k_(3)*x(8) +kc(3)*x(8); % R* xp(5)= -k(2)*x(4)*x(5) +k_(2)*x(6) ; % flip xp(6)= k(2)*x(4)*x(5) -k_(2)*x(6) ; % flip:R* xp(7) = -k(3)*x(4)*x(7) +k_(3)*x(8) +... -k(7)*x(7)*x(17) +k_(7)*x(18) ; % pC8 xp(8) = k(3)*x(4)*x(7) -k_(3)*x(8) -kc(3)*x(8) ; % R*:pC8 xp(9) = kc(3)*x(8) +... -k(4)*x(9)*x(10) +k_(4)*x(11) +... -k(5)*x(9)*x(12) +k_(5)*x(13) +kc(5)*x(13) +... +kc(7)*x(18) +... -k(10)*x(9)*x(24) +k_(10)*x(25) +kc(10)*x(25) ; % C8 xp(10) = -k(4)*x(9)*x(10) +k_(4)*x(11) ; % Bar xp(11) = k(4)*x(9)*x(10) -k_(4)*x(11) ; % Bar:C8 xp(12)= -k(5)*x(9)*x(12) +k_(5)*x(13) +... -k(25)*x(12)*x(53) +k_(25)*x(54) ; % pC3 xp(13)= k(5)*x(9)*x(12) -k_(5)*x(13) -kc(5)*x(13) ; % C8:pC3 xp(14)= kc(5)*x(13) +... -k(6)*x(14)*x(15) +k_(6)*x(16) +kc(6)*x(16) +... -k(8)*x(14)*x(19) +k_(8)*x(20) +... -k(9)*x(14)*x(21) +k_(9)*x(22) +kc(9)*x(22) +... +kc(25)*x(54) ; % C3 xp(15)= -k(6)*x(14)*x(15) +k_(6)*x(16) ; % pC6 xp(16)= k(6)*x(14)*x(15) -k_(6)*x(16) -kc(6)*x(16) ; % C3:pC6 xp(17)= kc(6)*x(16) +... -k(7)*x(7)*x(17) +k_(7)*x(18) +kc(7)*x(18) ; % C6 xp(18)= k(7)*x(7)*x(17) -k_(7)*x(18) -kc(7)*x(18) ; % C6:pC8 xp(19)= -k(8)*x(14)*x(19) +k_(8)*x(20) +kc(8)*x(20) +... -k(27)*x(19)*x(53) +k_(27)*x(56) +... -k(28)*x(19)*x(55) +k_(28)*x(57) ; % XIAP xp(20)= k(8)*x(14)*x(19) -k_(8)*x(20) -kc(8)*x(20) ; % XIAP:C3 xp(21)= -k(9)*x(14)*x(21) +k_(9)*x(22) ; % PARP xp(22)= k(9)*x(14)*x(21) -k_(9)*x(22) -kc(9)*x(22) ; % C3:PARP xp(23)= kc(9)*x(22) ; % CPARP xp(24)= -k(10)*x(9)*x(24) +k_(10)*x(25) ; % Bid xp(25)= k(10)*x(9)*x(24) -k_(10)*x(25) -kc(10)*x(25) ; % C8:Bid xp(26)= kc(10)*x(25) +... -k(11)*x(26)*x(27) +k_(11)*x(28) +... -k(12)*x(26)*x(29) +k_(12)*x(30) + kc(12)*x(30); % tBid xp(27)= -k(11)*x(26)*x(27) +k_(11)*x(28) ; % Bcl2c xp(28)= +k(11)*x(26)*x(27) -k_(11)*x(28) ; % Bcl2c:tBid xp(29)= -k(12)*x(26)*x(29) +k_(12)*x(30) ; % Bax xp(30)= k(12)*x(26)*x(29) -k_(12)*x(30) - kc(12)*x(30) ; % tBid:Bax xp(31)= kc(12)*x(30) +... -k(13)*x(31) + k_(13)*x(32) ; % Bax* xp(32)= k(13)*x(31) - k_(13)*x(32) +... -1/v*k(14)*x(32)*x(33) +k_(14)*x(34) +... -1/v*2*k(15)*x(32)^2 +2*k_(15)*x(35) ; % Baxm xp(33)= -1/v*k(14)*x(32)*x(33) +k_(14)*x(34) +... -1/v*k(16)*x(33)*x(35) +k_(16)*x(36) +... -1/v*k(18)*x(33)*x(37) +k_(18)*x(38) ; % Bcl2 xp(34)= 1/v*k(14)*x(32)*x(33) -k_(14)*x(34) ; % Baxm:Bcl2 xp(35)= 1/v*k(15)*x(32)^2 -k_(15)*x(35) +... -1/v*k(16)*x(33)*x(35) +k_(16)*x(36) +... -2/v*k(17)*x(35)^2 +2*k_(17)*x(37) ; % Bax2 xp(36)= 1/v*k(16)*x(33)*x(35) -k_(16)*x(36) ; % Bax2:Bcl2 xp(37)= 1/v*k(17)*x(35)^2 -k_(17)*x(37)+... -1/v*k(18)*x(33)*x(37) +k_(18)*x(38) +... -1/v*k(19)*x(39)*x(37) +k_(19)*x(40) ; % Bax4 xp(38)= 1/v*k(18)*x(33)*x(37) -k_(18)*x(38) ; % Bax4:Bcl2 xp(39)= -1/v*k(19)*x(39)*x(37) +k_(19)*x(40); % M xp(40)= 1/v*k(19)*x(39)*x(37) -k_(19)*x(40) -kc(19)*x(40) ; % Bax4:M xp(41)= kc(19)*x(40) +... -1/v*k(20)*x(41)*x(42) +k_(20)*x(43) +kc(20)*x(43) +... -1/v*k(21)*x(41)*x(45) +k_(21)*x(46) +kc(21)*x(46) ; % M* xp(42)= -1/v*k(20)*x(41)*x(42) +k_(20)*x(43) ; % CytoCm xp(43)= 1/v*k(20)*x(41)*x(42) -k_(20)*x(43) -kc(20)*x(43) ; % M*:CytoCm xp(44)= kc(20)*x(43) +... -k(22)*x(44) +k_(22)*x(48) ; % CytoCr xp(45)= -1/v*k(21)*x(41)*x(45) +k_(21)*x(46) ; % Smacm xp(46)= 1/v*k(21)*x(41)*x(45) -k_(21)*x(46) -kc(21)*x(46) ; % M*:Smacm xp(47)= kc(21)*x(46) +... -k(26)*x(47) +k_(26)*x(55) ; % Smacr xp(48)= k(22)*x(44) -k_(22)*x(48) +... -k(23)*x(48)*x(49) +k_(23)*x(50) +kc(23)*x(50) ; % CytoC xp(49)= -k(23)*x(48)*x(49) +k_(23)*x(50) ; % Apaf xp(50)= k(23)*x(48)*x(49) -k_(23)*x(50) -kc(23)*x(50) ; % Apaf:CytoC xp(51)= kc(23)*x(50) +... -k(24)*x(51)*x(52) +k_(24)*x(53); % Apaf* xp(52)= -k(24)*x(51)*x(52) +k_(24)*x(53) ; % pC9 xp(53)= k(24)*x(51)*x(52) -k_(24)*x(53) +... -k(25)*x(12)*x(53) +k_(25)*x(54) +kc(25)*x(54) +... -k(27)*x(19)*x(53) +k_(27)*x(56) ; % Apop xp(54)= k(25)*x(12)*x(53) -k_(25)*x(54) -kc(25)*x(54) ; % Apop:pC3 xp(55)= k(26)*x(47) -k_(26)*x(55) +... -k(28)*x(19)*x(55) +k_(28)*x(57) ; % Smac xp(56)= k(27)*x(19)*x(53) -k_(27)*x(56) ; % Apop:XIAP xp(57)= k(28)*x(19)*x(55) -k_(28)*x(57) ; % Smac:XIap xp(58)=kc(8)*x(20); % C3_Ub xp(59)=kc(5)*x(13) ; % C8:pC3 sum xp(60)=kc(25)*x(54) ; % Apop:pC3 sum xp(61)=kc(3)*x(8) ; % R*:pC8 sum xp(62)=kc(7)*x(18) ; % C6:pC8 sum %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%