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PLOS Biologue blog post

Posted by rolir on 28 Feb 2013 at 18:01 GMT

See the blog post on PLOS Biologue:

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RE: PLOS Biologue blog post

ahan replied to rolir on 08 Mar 2013 at 01:56 GMT

Dr. Roberts has created a great picture by putting together ours with the work from Dr. Crane and his colleague. I strongly suggest he write another comprehensive comment/review about this idea for a formal publication. The two things I like to point out here. One is that VicK HAMP has unique packing (Figure 2), which may be more stable than other homologues. How the HAMP changes its conformation is still puzzling to us. The second is that VicK PAS domain is not found to bind by any ligands. This is a major drawback of VicK used in studying molecular mechanisms of signal transduction. Therefore, we have not been able to analyze any upstream conformational changes in context with downstream DHp domain bending and CA positioning in this paper. We are currently performing molecular dynamics study, hoping to find some insights of conformational transitions.

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