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A comment from Bernard Connolly (sent to RR by email, posted with permission)

Posted by redfield on 17 Jul 2012 at 19:12 GMT

I am a biochemist by training and teach a number of biochemistry undergraduate courses, many of which are taken by geneticists. A large part of one of the courses I give explains DNA sequencing and it is through teaching modern sequencing methods that I have come to realise that much "traditional" genetics, particularly genetic analysis, is obselete. This has been confirmed by internal seminars from the large bacterial cell biology group we have at Newcastle. When they obtain mutants with interesting phenotypes they are analysed by complete genome sequencing, quicker and cheaper than traditional methods.

I believe your article does great service to genetics teaching and provides an excellent template for modernising genetics undergraduate teaching, which we are currently attempting in Newcastle. It is also useful ammunition for coping with mostly older geneticists, who, as is only natural, feel somewhat threatened by changes to genetics as they understanding it.

I wonder if you are contemplating further imroving the service you have already provided by writing the "missing" text book.

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